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"Anistar Gym, a Psychic-type Gym run by Olympia, who said to be able to foretell the future," [Name] read out loud from her device, her full attention on it.

"Tell the future?" Calem asked and leaned in close to [Name], checking the device as well.

"Mm, but it seems pretty unli—" [Name] stopped mid-sentence as she turned her head. She realized how close Calem was to her, she could practically kiss him if she could. She studied his entire face and noticed how long his eyelashes were; they were really lovely.

It wasn't until Calem glanced at her did she look away embarrassed, her entire face turning red. She had been caught checking him out. Calem stood up straight and hide his mouth behind his hand. He didn't realize he was close to her. Both of them stood frozen in their places, like blushing idiots.

[Name] glanced at Calem out of the corner of her eye and sighed. His confession was still fresh in her mind. She still didn't have an answer for him and it was killing her. She knew how much Calem meant to her, how happy he made her feel inside. He made her feel important. Deep in her heart, she felt the same about him, but part of her felt that if she accepted his confession, she was betraying someone else.

Maybe she could pretend it never happened and go on with their lives. After all, both of them were awkward around each other and forgetting about it could return them back to normal. No, that would probably be rude. Calem went out of his way to confess and she never even bothered responding back. What was that? She could be honest. She could tell him she feels the same way as him, but still needs a little more time to sort out her feelings. Yeah, that sounds great. It's not too rude and not much of a rejection. That would work.

"Calem?" [Name] softly called out his name as he immediately gave his full attention to her. She gulped and opened her mouth, "Um, about your—"

She never got to finish her sentence as the doors of the Gym slammed open and a young woman with red hair and a purple robe stormed out in a fury. Calem and [Name] stared at the woman run away, almost as if determined to stop something. They faced each other and had the same expression: confusion.

Calem rubbed the back of his neck as he said, "So what were you saying before?"

"Huh? Oh, it was nothing important! Don't worry about it!" [Name] replied rather quickly and unnatural. She nervously gave him a smile. Her chances were ruined before she had a chance to say anything. She'll try again next time.

"Carrie!" Another young woman with blue hair and matching robes ran out of the Gym, calling the other woman's name. She sighed to herself and mutter something under her breath until she noticed the pair. "Oh, you didn't happen to witness a girl with red hair run by, did you?"

"Yeah, she ran that way," [Name] pointed over towards the direction of the sundial.

"That Carrie, I'll deal with her later. Forgive me for my rudeness, are you two here for a Gym Match?" The woman asked, her personality changing from anger to calmness as she gave them a kind smile. Upon fully expecting their faces, she gasps, covering her mouth. "You two are...? Welcome kind heroes, it's an honor to have you here. Please, come right in. Make yourselves at home."

"Heroes?" [Name] and Calem face each other with perplexed expressions.

After entering the Gym and learning that the woman's name was Charlene, she began to explain to them why seemed to know them. Olympia, Charlene's Mistress, had foreseen a future where she saw a crisis that would engulf Kalos and destroy both Trainers and Pokemon. And within that vision, she was able to reveal the faces of the heroes who were going to stop it, those including [Name] and Calem.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now