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Ash's brown eyes stared up at the night sky. The first quarter moon could be seen hiding behind a few gray clouds. The stars twinkled one by one, decorating the sky like fireflies during the warm summer. A cool breeze blew from the south, swaying the leaves and grass. It seemed like a peaceful night.

Ash sat on a couple of stairs, far away from the Pokemon Center and thinking about everything that has come to this. Someone walked out from the Pokemon Center and towards Ash, their blue eyes fixated on his figure. Silently, they stood next to him. They sat in a moment of silence, just listening to the night tunes of Pokemon.

"I hurt her really badly, didn't I?" Ash asked, breaking the deafening silence. He looked up at Clemont for confirmation.

"Yes, you did," Clemont answered as he kept his comment short. He could see the guilt swirling around in Ash's eyes. Clemont tore his gaze away and looked to the side.

"What made me...act this way?" Ash questioned as he looked back at the sky.

"Envy. You were envious she had something you didn't and that itself made you act the way you did," Clemont began. "It truly brings the worst in people. Out of all people, I didn't think you would be like this. You would always cheer others on and congratulate them on their success. I mean, you were always so excited when you saw something you didn't have. And yet, you were never really envious until [Name] had the opportunity to Mega Evolve her Pokemon."

"I treated her horribly for that. Instead of being proud, I destroyed her confidence and...her happiness," Ash dropped his head and closed his eyes. "I tried to make her give up her dream of being a Pokemon Master. I tried to make her go back home and drop everything. I tried to do everything in power so she wouldn't succeed. I thought if I did that, she wouldn't have gotten strong and would've given me, the Key Stone because she wasn't worthy of it."

Clemont listened to his words as he felt disgusted. Granted, the way Ash thought was in the past. He had already realized his mistakes. But Clemont couldn't help but disgusted and disappointed with Ash. This was the person he looked up to. And to hear what he tried to someone was terrible.

"I admit I was scared she going to overpass me. I was scared of her being stronger than me. I never really thought she would get something other than me. That time we had the argument, she was right. I always had everything handed to me," Ash sighed and looked up at the sky. "I really am pathetic, just like Calem said. I can't seem to grow up and accept she's strong. But this isn't me. I never acted this way before in my entire life. I'm not the person I was before. I know I would've never done this, but somehow, it happened. What happened to me?"

"Well, I can't exactly say what happened. That's something only you know," Clemont said.

Ash held his head between his hands. "[Name] had always supported me through everything despite her not earning anything when I did. She never once complained. She always congratulated me with a smile on her face. She was always one step behind me but...she never gave up. She kept going and going until she became what is now. And I tried destroying that. I want to apologize for everything I've done to her. I want to make things right and go back to how we were. I just...don't know where to start."

"A sorry might be the first step to start," Clemont advised.

"But a sorry won't cover everything I've done. [Name] might not even want to listen to me," Ash stood up as he walked down the stairs and looked back at Clemont. "I wouldn't blame her. I wouldn't want to hear me either and listen to my pathetic apology."

"A simple sorry may not cover everything, but it is the first step for her to listen to you," Clemont continued with a smile. "If you sincerely regret what you did, then start with a sorry. And then you can continue to apologize."

"I want to tell her that I—" Ash began but got cut off.

Clemont raised a hand up, signaling for him to stop. "I'm going to stop you right there. Why don't you say that when you actually apologize to her? Face to face. I'm sure you have a lot to say."

Ash closed his eyes and sighed. He ran up the stairs and stood in front of Clemont, much to his surprise. Clemont took a step back, but Ash followed right after him.

"Clemont, I want you to punch me as hard as you can," Ash stated as Clemont let out a surprised noise.

"Wh-what? There's no way I'll do that!" Clemont protested, shocked at Ash's request.

"Please, Clemont. Maybe it'll help me," Ash pleaded. "If words won't help then maybe something physical might."

Clemont gulped nervously. He shakily raised his right arm up and threw a punch. Ash closed his eyes as soon as the punch came at him, but he didn't think Clemont would punch him hard. He let out a pained cry and stumbled back as he grabbed his cheek. Clemont gasped as he noticed the bruise turning red.

"Oh! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't think I would hit you that hard!" Clemont apologized profusely, bowing down multiple times.

Ash had tears forming in his eyes as rubbed his cheek. "It's fine. I deserved that more or less. I just didn't think you'll hit that hard. What do you take?"

After Clemont handed Ash an ice pack from his jumper, don't ask how, he asked, "When did you realize your mistake?"

"...It was when her mom called me to tell me she's in a coma. Somehow, I feel like it's my fault," Ash confessed as he took the ice pack from his face and played with it. "If I didn't treat her badly, she probably wouldn't have been in that situation. Since a long time ago, I should have told her how proud I was of her. I should have congratulated her. I should have...accepted it. I should've known I won't always get everything in life. I'm not the only one who gets rewards. And I should know how difficult it is to finally achieve something important and be a someone."

"You know, I'm actually proud of you. You were able to realize your mistakes and own up to it," Clemont smiled. "You're still the same old Ash I admire.  And I'm sure [Name] might think the same."

"Thanks," Ash smiled and for the first time, he felt everything leave his shoulders. This was all he needed to be free. "I hope when [Name] wakes up, we'll have a heart to heart conversation without starting an argument. This is my wish."

After a while of standing outside, Ash playfully shoved Clemont and ran back to the Pokemon Center. Clemont shouted at him and chased after him, smiling once he noticed the new change in Ash.

Ash was smiling much brighter and he looked at peace.

The red string around Ash's finger that was once dull and ragged began to glow brightly as it fixed itself. The end of the string glowed brightly as well, responding in the same way.

Perhaps Ash isn't the only one wanting to fix things.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now