Tickles Gone Wrong

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"We should go to sleep princess." Aiden told me. We were both laying in bed watching TV and talking. "I'm too nervous to sleep." I said honestly. Tomorrow is when my MCAT score comes out. This score determines which medical school I can get into, or if I can even go to medical school. "You have no reason to be nervous! You're the smartest person I know!" He exclaimed. "But am I the smartest people UPENN School of Medicine Board of Admissions knows?" I asked. "So you're saying my opinion doesn't matter?" He asked with a smirk as he used his fingers to tickle me a little. "I'm saying it doesn't matter to UPENN!" I squealed in response to his tickling. He stopped and said "Fine. If you can't sleep, let's play a game." He said. "Yay!" I said as he got up from next to me. "What game do you want to play?" I asked. "Foot Monster." He says with a smirk right before he grabs my feet. "Absolutely not!" I squeal as he starts tickling my feet with his fingers while I try to pull away. "If you don't want me to have your feet, take them away." He said, as if that's the easiest thing to do in the world. Spoiler alert! It's not. "This isn't fair!" I giggled, throwing my head back in laughter as I try to kick my feet free. "How's is this not fair?" He says sarcastically as he tightens his grip on my feet and starts tickling my toes. "AIDEN!" I giggled and he laughs but continues. I start struggling harder and accidentally kick him in the face. He quickly let go and holds his nose. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I ask him as I crawl over to him. He shakes his head no like a little pouting kid and I laugh. "You're okay Aiden. My feet aren't big enough to make any real damage." I said and he frowns, making me laugh more. I then cuddle with him, since he likes cuddling when he's hurt or in a bad mood. He finally stops covering his face and nuzzles his face into my neck, places soft kisses to make me giggle. "I can't believe you kicked me." He whispered, increasing the ticklish feeling. "I can't believe you're not pouting anymore." I giggled and he chuckled before stopping and looking me in the eyes. "Why are you so perfect?" He asked me before kissing my nose. I groan and he laughed. "I told you Aiden. I hate compliments." I complained and he continued laughing. "Then quit being so beautiful and cute and awesome and amazing and..."He says before I cover his mouth with my hand to stop him. He laughs before kissing my hand multiple times, making me giggle and remove my hand. He then kisses me and says "I love you Alaina." "I love you too." I say back with all the truth in the world.

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