Best Day Ever

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I'm currently doing my stupid Calculus HW on my stupid bed on stupid Friday afternoon. If you can't already tell, I'm not a big fan of Calculus. If Alaina wasn't at college, she would be able to help me out but unfortunately she is. "I HAVE AMAZING WONDERFUL FANTASTIC NEWS!" Dylan said as he basically broke down my door and hopped onto my bed. "Why are you so happy while I'm doing Calculus HW?" I groaned. "Aw come on! Of course you would be in a bad mood." Dylan pouted. I giggled and said "No come on." I said, closing my Calculus textbook. "Tell me the good news." I begged him. He started smiling again and then said "My parents aren't getting a divorce!" "OH MY GOSH REALLY?" I squealed, starting to jump up and down on the bed. Dylan's parents were literally meant for each other. I'm so glad they decided to work it out. "Yeah! It was a huge misunderstanding. My dad thought my mom said something or my mom thought my dad said something. I don't even know. I stopped listening after they said the "not divorcing" part and they stopped explaining when they started looking into each other's eyes lovingly!" He exclaimed, jumping on my bed with me. "Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!" I said, smiling at how much he cares about his parent's relationship. "I knew you would be." He said. All of a sudden, he was smirking at me and he stopped jumping. "Dylan?" I said, blushing but also no longer jumping anymore. "You're always happy for me. You're always there for me no matter what. You can make me smile and laugh no matter what is going on in my life. You are literally my sunshine." HE said. I don't know where this is coming from but it was making me blush like crazy. It didn't help that he started getting closer and closer to me as he talked until our lips were almost touching. "Dylan..." I gasped. "Don't say anything. I have to do this while I'm still brave enough to do it." He said before his lips crashed into mine, wrapping his arms around my waist. I did the same back to him. So you can understand how I was feeling in this moment, here is the exact dialogue of my inner thoughts. " gosh. Oh... my gosh. OH MY GOSH! DYLAN IS KISSING ME!!! I hope my breath doesn't stink. His breath definitely doesn't. And his lips are so soft, just like I always imagined! I can't believe this is even happening! I have to call Alaina! I have to call everyone!" Dylan pulled out of the kiss with a smile on his face and I probably looked like a flustered mess. "I love you Mia." He told me, making my heart skip multiple beats. "I love you too Dylan." I told him and he started smiling like crazy. "REALLY? Like you love me love me or you love me like a friend? Because if you only love me like a friend that's okay too but that's not exactly what I meant. But I still want you in my life and..." He started rambling. I smiled at how I can make him flustered too and then kissed him to shut him up. He smiled and kissed me back. I pulled away and he pouted, making me giggle before I said "I love you as more than just a friend Dylan. I have for a long time." I told him. "This is literally the best day of my life." He said before picking me up and slamming me onto the bed. "Dylan!" I giggled as he sat on top of me and started kissing me all over. "Best. Day. Ever." 

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