22: Haliya👸🏽

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"And I hope you train your heart
To accept the good that comes your way."


It was the month of October and because our Continuous Assessment Tests were fast approaching, Amir had arranged a study session in his condo to help pull up our falling grades.

But midway through solving simultaneous equations and quadratic problems, Jordan muttered, Fuck this shit, and ordered pizza and brought bottles of beer from the fridge. Dave started the music and Osahon invited the girls. Soon, we were having a full fledged party in Amir's condo... Much to his dismay, I might add.

When Lola arrived with Haliya, Zain and Somma, the party began in earnest.

Amir was recounting an experience when he was harassed by SARS, a group that supposedly cracked down on crime.

"I presented my papers and license but they insisted i was a criminal. That I had stolen the car and they were going to arrest me with no proof whatsoever," he said, incredulously, as he gestured with a lot of arm movements.

"They were actually going through with it until one of them found my ID card and informed them that I was the Sultan's son. They realized that my father would probably have their heads if anything happened to me and they transformed into smiling, doting law enforcers, singing my praises. They gave me back my license and papers with exaggerated friendliness. It was so pathetic."

"Most Nigerians are strong and confident but lack personal dignity and self respect. Anybody will kiss your ass in this country once you have money. Even your enemies. Especially your enemies," Lola said quietly.

Dave sighed, pushing his glasses upp. "But those SARS people are not serious ooo. Once you're young and rich they automatically think you're into 419 (fraud) or you did ritual. They've forgotten that some of us have rich parents."

Everyone murmured in agreement, chipping in stories and experiences from their run in with the law.

Lola suddenly cackled. "Remember that time we all carpooled to a concert and we were coming back late at night, Jordan was over speeding and he got pulled up by the police. They were asking him some questions, if he was under the influence of alcohol and he thought he'd be funny and joke about a bit and was like, "yeah, man! Fuck you gonna do? Give me a donut?" Then we all got arrested along with him."

"How was I supposed to know the old man couldn't take a joke?!" Jordan protested.

Everyone bursted out laughing at the indignant look on his face, grateful for Jordan's sense of humour and I walked out of the room, into the balcony, suddenly missing Asa. I wanted to hear her voice, know how she was doing. I wanted her to be here with me. With us. Contributing her own story.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 | 1Where stories live. Discover now