Sneak Peek!😋 (And watt-tips)

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"In a way, I feel like that's what everyone does to me in the end. They all leave when shit hits the fan. Even the closest ones to me. The one's who are supposed to stick around."

There we were, lying on his roof and staring up at the night sky as the stars twinkled in and out of existence. A sad boy. A broken girl.

My hand clasped around his but he didn't look at me, staring upward at the glittering sky.

I whispered. "Hey, Amir, don't talk like that. You've got us. Your friends. We're not leaving you for another six months, okay?"

He actually laughed softly and remained quiet for a while.

"You're right. You guys are the closest things to family to me now. Sometimes, I wish there was more time... But in the end, after our exams, we'd have to go our separate parts again... I guess what I'm saying is, my family... The real one... It hurts that they don't want to pursue a relationship with me. That they left me to rot when i needed them the most. It hurts so much. Everything hurts too much. I just wish it all never happened, you know. I wish I never happened. What's the point of all this shit if it hurts so much?"

The tears streaked down his face and he didn't move to wipe them off.

My heart twisted for this boy, who walked around with regal shoulders and an imperial air about him. Who I once thought had no problems whatsoever. Who I always thought was just another face in the background.

But he wasn't just another face in an empty space. He had layers, levels to his being. He had feelings, a past and burdens of his own. He was human, like the rest of us. A human that shouldered a lot of pain.

My heart ached for him as I tugged him to face me, placing a hand on his cheek when his eyes found mine.

I was hit by the full intensity of those grey eyes, the colour of silver and stardust. He had this deep kind of gaze. Strong and intense, and when he looked at you, it looked like you were all he was seeing. Like you had his sole attention.

I struggled not to flinch at the intensity. "Everything happens for a reason, Amir. You're not a mistake. Everything that happened is probably leading you to something better. Don't give up, Prince Charming."

"You actually called me, Prince Charming." He chuckled and I smiled back at him.

"I guess you're right." He leaned into my hand on his cheek, his eyes closed as he took a deep breath. "Will you like to be my Cinderella?"

I snorted. "I'm no princess, Amir."

I moved to retract my hand but he held me in place, his eyes, orbs of quicksilver and stardust, wouldn't leave mine. "You can be my princess, Asa."

My heart throbbed painfully.

I laughed nervously. "Stop joking, Amir."

Pools of grey and silver fixed on mine and I saw the truth in them.

He wasn't joking.

I hadn't realized how close we had gotten, his eyelashes brushed mine, I was practically breathing his air. My hand was on his cheek as his hand held it in place. His eyes wouldn't leave mine.

I took a shaky breath. "We're tipsy, Amir and we're both feeling emotional. You're making a mistake. You don't want me."

"Tell that to my heart, Asa."

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 | 1Where stories live. Discover now