31: Good books and gigs📚🎤

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"Music connects souls

In a phenomenal way."


"That's a good book you're reading," a voice said from above me and I shrieked, nearly falling off my seat with an undignifying thud.

"Sorry," Amir apologized, when he saw the shocked look on my face, a tiny smile on his vermilion lips. "That's Animal Farm, yeah?"

Part of me froze in shock, wondering why he had come to seek me out today, when all he does on a daily is glare at me.

I wanted to ignore him. To be rude. Slam the door shut in his face.

But I didn't...

I'm not that person anymore.

At least... I'm trying not to be.

So with a tight smile and a dismissive voice, i answered, "Yeah. I'm in the good part, where the animals are revolting."

He took a seat beside the fraying couch I usually occupied in a forgotten part of our school library, shocking me all the more.

"That's the best part." He leaned against the couch, clasping his hand behind his head.

My interest piqued and I suddenly got giddy, finally feeling like I had someone to talk to about good books. Kam detested most of the books I read and wouldn't read anything that isn't romance or adventure.

"All animals are equal..." He was saying.

"But some are more equal than the others." I completed. "The sensitive but decadent game of politics was heavily hinted through out the book."

He nodded. "It just goes to show that anybody can and will be corrupted by power, no matter how noble they think they are and reconciliation is never really possible as long as differences exist. In the end, politics is a swirling vortex, a black hole that'll strip you of all your morals and ethics. Nobody had drunk from that cup of madness and remained sane to tell the true story. Take Dave, for instance. He's nuts."

I exploded into laughter, shoulders and ribs, cracking with joy and after it all, I looked at him with new found respect and he looked at me with laughing grey eyes, set in a finely structured oval face. "Wow, Amir. That was deep!"

"See? You get it!" He was grinning and the grey of his eyes shone brighter.

"You too."

"You have to tell me what other books you read. I love Sheldon."

"Oh my god!" I forgot myself, bouncing on the seat. "Me too! Have you read, Tell me what you dream of and Don't be afraid of the dark?"

"I read Tell me what you dream of five times."

"Ha! Seven!"

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒆 | 1Where stories live. Discover now