⋇- 1: Return -⋇

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A relaxing sound met En's ears as the train dropped its speed. The feminine voice coming from the speakers warned the passengers that their transportation would soon reach Central Station. Knowing that it was his final stop, En stood up, feeling a little bit heavy. He wasn't sure if that was fatigue or the impact of his feelings after hearing what happened to his father while he was away.

He supported himself on the train's scarlet handles as he left his cabin and walked in the corridor, on his way to one of the transportation's exits. Strolling through the area that had a silver surface flashing the dim white lights, En saw that only a small number of beings were wandering around the hallway.

Reaching one of the train's exits before the transportation completely stopped, En saw a blonde woman in a dark blue uniform smile and telling the passengers that they hoped they had an enjoyable trip. As the two beings behind him replied to the agent, En walked away from the area as soon as the doors opened.

He blinked as the wind brought strands of his obsidian hair over his face. Fighting against his hair that wouldn't stop covering his dark eyes, En walked through the empty station that had a metallic arched ceiling and a small number of gray pillars filling the area. 

Looking around and not spotting a soul member of his people, he wondered if his people were ordered not to leave the country while the kingdom mourned their fallen King.

At the thought of his father, En fought against his feelings. He had fought against them since he heard the news back in Oceana. Part of him wanted to cry, but as the next King, he was forbidden to show that sign of weakness. With conflicting feelings bothering him, En admired the Kings of Eteria for always looking calm, despite suffering deep inside.

En didn't remember how his father dealt with the loss of his wife but heard that he acted as if nothing happened and went on with his duty. He hoped he could be strong like his father in a tragic moment like this.

"I heard the new King will be crowned tonight," said a masculine voice in the background.

En's brows touched upon hearing that. He turned around and saw two people in blue uniforms chatting by the side of one of the red and brown booths that sold tickets.

"Is that so?" asked the female guard. "That explains why there's little traffic around the station. The Eterians must be wanting to see who'll be their next leader."

"It's obvious that it will be his son," said the brown-haired guard. "Even though we don't know him, the Eterians must have seen him many times."

The female guard tilted her curly head. "I'm not sure about that. I heard King Reiji was too overprotective of his son; only a selected number of Eterians know him."

En looked away and resumed his trip to the castle with confusion taking the better of him. How would a new King be crowned if he was told to go back to Eteria? For sure, the new King would need to be around to receive the crown and introduce himself to his people.

En increased his pace as he walked through the spacious area that almost looked deserted. Reaching the station's entrance, he saw a young woman with long reddish-brown wavy hair tied in a ponytail. When her blue eyes spotted him, she placed her hands on her hips, her face expressing disappointment.

"Miria," said En, reaching her.

"It's good to see you again, Ennie," said Miria, her tone disappointed. "Why did you suddenly drop off from my back and run away? What are you planning to do here?"

For a moment, En gazed at her, impressed with his cousin's speed. 

He remembered their last encounter. After talking to Miria on one of the small islands of Oceana, En had agreed to go with her to the Dragon Islands and since the species of her dragon form was faster and she had no limit, En ended up taking a lift from her. But as they flew around the oceans of that world, part of him wanted to go to Celestia and see the truth.

The Fallen PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now