⋇- 29: A Risky Decision -⋇

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"I need you to take me to Io Town," said En as soon as Miria granted him permission to enter her room.

"What?" Miria dropped her gaze from the magazine in her hands. "Where's that?"

En closed the door behind him. "It's a small town in Celestia. I need you to take me there; it's important."

As he walked across the room, En noticed his cousin was sitting cross-legged on the medium-sized bed. Examining his surroundings, En saw how tidy the room was and how Miria had a thing for decoration. On every side he could see, he always spotted a decorative object garnishing the spot.

"Celestia," said Miria thoughtfully. "Wait you can't go there until you win the challenge. Since you're exiled, it'll be risky to go there. If they find you wandering around, I'm sure it'll be troublesome and worsen your situation with the throne."

"I thought of that." En had a seat on the bed. "That's why I'm here asking for your help. I'll have to be your passenger to fly there. I don't think anyone will be suspicious of an amphitere flying by, so we'll reach that place with no problem."

Miria blinked two times. She then gazed away, looking thoughtful. As a brief silence fell for a moment, En hoped his cousin would accept this favor. Despite knowing the risks of traveling to Celestia at the moment, he still wanted to go there. This was the only chance he had to talk to Arisa since he didn't know what would happen in that challenge.

"I don't know," said Miria, shaking her head slightly. "I still think it's too risky to go there. Who knows what will happen if they find out I'm carrying you behind my wings."

"They won't find out unless we're too careless," reassured En. "And there's nothing to worry about; the place where we'll land is in the woods and only has one family living there."

Miria frowned. "That reminds me, what business do you have there?"

En's fingers curled on the bright blankets of Miria's bed as he thought of a fast way to tell her the relationship he had with Arisa and Kazuya. He was sure she would ask for more details before giving him a final answer.

"There's someone I want to see," he finally said. "There's a lot I have to tell that person before I fight Belinsk or I'll regret it forever."

Curiosity brightened in Miria's eyes. "And who's that person that you're willing to risk everything in order to see them?"

"It's a longtime friend." En looked away as he said that.

After everything that happened, he wasn't sure if he still had the right to call Arisa his friend.

"You had friends in Celestia?" wondered Miria, her tone surprised. "I thought you weren't allowed to leave the castle until you were crowned. Is the person the child of an employee or something?"

En shook his head. "She's a Celestian I met in the woods eight years ago."

Miria's eyes widened, looking as if she wanted to hear more.

"Look, I'll tell you everything later since it's a long story," he said, exhaling. "Right now I need to be there to tell her something and apologize for everything. I want to do something right before that battle."

"You're talking as if you'll die during that battle," said Miria, her voice concerned.

En looked away. "You'll never know what that man will do during that challenge, so I'm preparing myself mentally."

"You're a Guardian, therefore you're way stronger than him," said Miria quickly. "There's no way he will kill you or defeat you."

Even though En knew very well that he was at advantage, he couldn't help but be in doubt of how that challenge would turn out. As long as it ended with at least Belinsk dead, he didn't mind what his fate would be.

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