⋇- 37: Anxiety -⋇

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"Ah, they're finally here." En stood up as his gaze remained focused on the cloudy sky that was slowly losing its orange texture.

He spotted a dragon slowly decreasing its altitude as it approached the island. Even though the creature still was afar from this distance, En recognized that it was his cousin thanks to the shape of her dragon form.

"Finally," said Marius, dusting the sand off his dark pants. "I was about to fall asleep with all this waiting. I admire your patience, En; you must be looking forward to seeing her to tolerate this wait."

En gazed at him. "Yeah. I don't know what the outcome will be tomorrow, so I'm glad I'll have a chance to see her again before facing that man."

"You'll be fine." Marius patted En's head, messing his cousin's dark hair.

En only displayed a small smile as they walked towards the area dragons usually landed. Despite having everyone encouraging and cheering him on, En still thought that he couldn't be optimistic about what would happen in tomorrow's duel. After all, fate was unpredictable and most of the time it only brought unfortunate events.

As they reached the spacious area that had a small number of dark blue floras randomly distributed in the red land, En spotted a few people preparing themselves to shift and take off. He focused his gaze back at the cloudy sky, noticing that the copper-colored dragon was growing bigger the more it approached the island.

En's brows touched as he spotted a dark object hanging under Miria's claws; it almost looked like a cube. As his cousin got closer and lowered her altitude, even more, En realized the object was actually a carriage.

"Did you ask my sister to buy you a carriage while she was in that country?" wondered Marius.

En shook his head. "I'm also surprised to see it."

"Oh," said Marius thoughtfully. "I wonder what she's up to."

As En wondered the same, they both stopped walking to stand at a safe distance from the dragon's landing. Even though they were standing several meters away from the chosen spot for landing, En could hear Miria's flapping wings and feel the calm breeze touch his skin.

As soon as Miria safely dropped the carriage on the red ground, she flew to the other side, folding her wings to hide her figure. A few blinks and a tall young woman with long red-brownish hair tied in a ponytail substituted the serpentine dragon.

En didn't hesitate and rushed towards his cousin as she approached the carriage. Marius followed him.

"Miria," called En as they reached her spot, "what's this carriage for?"

A wide smile spread across Miria's face as she saw them. "To transport my passengers."

"Passengers?" Marius' forehead wrinkled. "Weren't you supposed to bring En's girlfriend?"

En wondered the same, remembering that Arisa only mentioned herself to visit the islands the night they had their first date.

"I was." Miria placed her arms on her hips. "But her grandfather wouldn't allow her to go unless someone was by her side. Since they have business with En, they decided to join Arisa and Ka-whatever his name is."

En raised a brow upon hearing that. He then scratched his head. He should have known that Arisa's grandfather wouldn't agree for her to visit En in his homeland.

"That was a thrilling flight." En heard a cheerful voice say. "I wondered if you wouldn't get tired carrying all of us for so long. You're really strong, Miria."

En gazed to his right and saw a tall, dark-skinned young woman with long, slightly wavy dark hair stretching her body. En recognized the cheerful girl who wouldn't stop calling him Prince Charming.

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