⋇- 10: A Day at the Museum -⋇

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"Here we are." Thelma turned the key, switching off the car's engine as soon as she parked the car.

Arisa opened the vehicle's door, feeling the fresh breeze as she slowly stepped out from the red machine. She stretched her legs. More than an hour had passed since she'd been sitting on Thelma's car as she drove them to Cambridge.

During the time of their trip, as the team chatted, Arisa wouldn't last one minute without admiring the scenery behind her window. The transparent glass showed her wonders from the advanced looking buildings to simple-looking ones in small towns they passed by.

Even though those edifices looked simple compared to the ones in the big city, they still had an advanced design compared to the architecture in Celestia.

"We'll finally resume our mission," said a soothing voice by Arisa's side, washing away her thoughts.

Arisa's gray eyes met Kazuya. "Yeah. Hopefully, the Master is hidden somewhere in here."

"I doubt it." Kazuya scratched his white head. "But it doesn't hurt to hope. I also want to see my folks back at home."

Arisa smiled at him, realizing that after the team would be done looking for the Master of Fire in this country, no matter the result, they would drop by Celestia for a quick visit. She breathed in, looking forward to hugging her grandparents again.

"The museum we'll be visiting is not far from here," said Thelma, taking the lead. "Let's go."

"Wait," said Garoh. "We should use our disguise, just in case."

"Right," agreed Arisa, gazing at the symbol on her palm.

Opening and closing her hand, she relaxed and focused her power on it. As the light breeze blew past her, Arisa felt the warmth within her gathering in one spot with a higher temperature. Several seconds later, the symbol glowed with orange light and shifted to another complicated-looking mark.

The slight heaviness in her body confirmed that the spell was already in use.

"I see that you've gotten better with this rune," teased a voice not far from her.

Arisa blinked, spotting a tall, dark brown-haired young man standing in front of her. She smiled, recognizing Kazuya's disguise.

"Wow, so this is your disguise?" asked Thelma with amazement. "You look so cute; I'm jealous. I wonder what I would look like if I could use that rune."

Arisa gazed by her side and saw Thelma playing with Caris' voluminous curly hair. Now that Thelma had mentioned, Arisa was curious about what Thelma would look like. If only Earthlings had magical energy, Thelma would be able to use that spell.

"We should go," said a built, tanned young man. "Remember, this rune has a time limit."

"Ah, right," realized Thelma. "Follow me."

The team strolled through the parking lot that had a small number of cars parked around it.

As they reached the street with their voices filling the atmosphere, Arisa examined her surroundings. A small number of people wandered around the streets with several colorful robots of different shapes and sizes roaming around.

Examining the city's buildings, Arisa noticed that only a few resembled the advanced designs she had seen around London. The rest seemed as though had a really old appearance as if the town had frozen in ancient times.

"This place looks different compared to your city, Thelma," said Garoh.

"Isn't it?" asked Thelma cheerfully. "Cambridge is one of the cities that had its architecture left intact. The city has a lot of history to change its buildings."

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