⋇- 32: Rebel Heart -⋇

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The orange tone painted the sky as the sun started to set, shining for a little bit more before the night would fall. Arisa fixed her hair as a cool breeze blew past her.

As Miria tried to reassure everyone that they were alone and made sure that no one followed her and her cousin during their trip, for a moment Arisa's gaze fell on the dark-haired boy sitting by Miria's side. Zen had his gaze focused on the table, looking thoughtful.

Arisa exhaled, glad that in the end, everything settled with no tragedy. Still, she couldn't believe that Zen was right there having a normal conversation with them.

After she, Kazuya, and Zen left the woods and reunited with the rest of the group, Arisa saw how Zen was being looked at with suspicious and judgmental eyes. At times, Arisa either felt sorry or bothered with the way her grandfather threatened Zen and told him he was lucky his life was spared because he was needed for something.

With the way her grandfather looked and treated him, Arisa could see that her grandfather still held a grudge against Eterians and he took that opportunity to throw everything at Zen. Although Arisa understood her grandfather's feelings since he lost his only daughter at the hands of an Eterian, she still thought it wasn't fair to express it all on Zen.

Though Kazuya still seemed to be angry at Zen, it looked as though part of his anger had decreased after their last fight. Thelma, Garoh, and Caris seemed to be neutral about Zen's presence.

Arisa's grandmother was the only one that displayed friendliness toward him by immediately treating his bruises. Even though her husband protested, Arisa's grandmother told him she had to treat him as an individual working in the health industry.

"I hope what you're saying is true and no one followed you," said Kazuya by Arisa's side. "It was stupid of you to come here knowing that you're exiled."

Miria glared at him. "It wasn't stupid; my cousin was following his heart."

As Kazuya gazed at Miria with a face that silently expressed he still found that decision stupid, Arisa shifted her view to the boy sitting on the opposite side. She was surprised to hear that he was willing to sacrifice everything in order to tell her whatever he had to tell her.

"Well, whatever business he has here," said Arisa's grandfather, his tone serious, "he has to stay away from my granddaughter. I don't want you close to her unless one of her friends is around."

Arisa quickly gazed at the lean, elderly man sitting by her right side. Her grandfather's face looked serious yet cold. Arisa curled her fingers on her lap. She understood that her grandfather was trying to protect her, but this was too much.

"I thought Celestians were peaceful, kindhearted beings," said Miria. "So far it seems they are arrogant and mean. I can't believe you were able to befriend them, En."

"We've been oppressed by your people for years," said Arisa's grandfather, his tone cold. "I guess we're growing a negative habit from them."

Miria gazed at Arisa's grandfather with eyes that looked as though she was hurt. Seeing her reaction, Arisa guessed that Miria, like Zen, was one of those rare Eterians that didn't enjoy torturing a Celestian. Hearing Arisa's grandfather's words comparing Miria with those Eterians might have made Miria feel bad.

"I apologize for interrupting this conversation," said Garoh, "but we're here to talk about our mission, not provoking each other because of politics. Time is money and we have to use it wisely."

"I agree with Garoh," said Thelma, shifting a bit from her seat. "Everything is solved for now and we shouldn't fill the temporary harmony with hatred. We have an Element to worry about."

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