⋇- 42: King En Drageul II -⋇

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En examined his reflection in the mirror. He fixed strands of dark hair that fell over his eyes. Now that he had a better look at himself, he kind of felt weird with that style. He was so used to having his hair cover part of his eyes that he almost didn't recognize his face for a short moment.

But there was nothing to hide anymore. In an hour, everyone would see him as their new King. Despite not having the typical traits of a Dragon King or an Eterian, this was who he really was and he hoped that with time, his people would accept him.

His heart raced as he imagined what his people would think upon seeing him. He breathed in and then out in an attempt to calm his nerves. He tried to distract himself by fixing the red sash, which was one of the only few colorful things in his military-style clothing. The small golden details on the jacket and the epaulets on its shoulders were the other bright detail.

His eyes met the small number of medals garnishing the left side of the jacket. He felt weird again, thinking he had done nothing to deserve them, but as the next king, he had no choice but to showcase what the kings before him had accomplished.

En jumped a little when he heard a knocking door. He turned around and walked across the spacious room that besides the large bed, it had a few wardrobes placed by the gray walls, a bookshelf, and a large fancy table En used as a desk.

"Come in," said En.

Not soon after he said that he heard shoes tapping the floor as the door closed. His eyes widened upon seeing a tall lady in an elegant black gown that had a long skirt that sometimes would show shades of dark blue, depending on the light. By the woman's side, En saw a well-built man in a short black tunic that looked more like a long coat thanks to the silver belt and dark pants.

En smiled. Trying to remember when was the last time he saw Regina and Kraden in fancy clothing.

"Wow," said Regina cheerfully. "You look even more handsome when you're not hiding your face. Seeing you in this clothing brings memories."

"Right," Kraden agreed. "It's as if I traveled to the past and I'm reliving Reiji's coronation. You're like his copy, despite Yueli's features having dominated part of your looks."

En gazed at the carpeted floor as he smiled, having no idea what to say.

"So is everything ready?" he asked, trying to break the ice.

"Yes." Regina nodded. "In short minutes the Grand Wiseman will be in the great hall to start the ceremony."

Kraden exhaled. "Hopefully he won't spend the day telling tales and go straight to the point."

"Kraden," said Regina, poking her husband's arm, "have some respect."

As Kraden laughed quickly, En couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The moment for him to officially be a king was approaching.

"Has everyone gathered?" he asked in an attempt to stay away from his thoughts.

"If by everyone, you mean your friends," said Kraden, "then yes. They're with Miria and Marius; you'll be able to see their faces as they'll be on special seats."

En replied with a nod. The previous day, after their meeting, he had invited them to the coronation. He remembered that during that meeting, everyone had agreed to allow him to celebrate his reign before unsealing the Element. En wouldn't receive Zhurog's Eye until he was crowned king, anyway.

He sighed, his heart spreading nervousness again as he thought of the coronation ceremony.

"You look so nervous," said Regina, touching his shoulder. "The worst has passed; relax. Everything will be fine."

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