⋇- 11: A Guardian's Duty -⋇

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Arisa had a sip of her orange juice, the citric yet sweet flavor touching her taste buds as it hydrated her. As her companions chatted with one another, Arisa focused her view on them, listening to their conversation.

After visiting other areas of the museum, the team decided to have a quick snack before leaving the city. They thought it would be best to make that stop since they would be stuck in Thelma's car for an hour again.

Thinking about their visit to the museum, Arisa felt as if she knew this world a little, even though she still had a lot more to learn about Earth. She was glad the team had decided to visit other areas besides the weapons' section as she learned more about this country and world.

As chatter and laughter kept on filling the atmosphere, Arisa admired her surroundings. The late afternoon sun still shone brightly through part of the glass-built ceiling.

On the other side of the spacious cafe, she spotted more tables and chairs filling the zone, but only a small number of beings from other worlds could be seen sitting and enjoying their time there.

"I wonder why this city looks so empty compared to London," said Arisa, placing her cup on the table.

"Maybe it's a small town," guessed Kazuya by her side, "and its population is really small. Besides, didn't Mr. Malulu mention that this place has a lot of portals with creatures far more dangerous than the ones in London?

"Maybe most people would rather live elsewhere than here."

Arisa blinked a few times, remembering Kafil's warning. Now that Kazuya had mentioned it, in the few hours they had been in Cambridge, she found the atmosphere peaceful.

"You're half right." Thelma shifted a bit on the seat opposite them. "In the last years, people have moved to live in other cities due to the portals. On another note, we're in the summer season, therefore most of the university students are away for vacations."

"Interesting," said Garoh by Thelma's side. "So students make a great part of the total population of this town?"

Thelma nodded. "Let's say a good percentage."

Garoh's brows rose and he nodded as if he was intrigued by that information.

The clock ticked as the team lost themselves in the conversation. It wasn't until Caris complained of feeling a bit tired that they decided to leave. Concluding that the side effects of the rune were starting to attack their companion, they quickly paid their orders and left the area.

The chilly breeze blew past them as the team walked away and left the large and tall cream colored building behind. Arisa touched her necklace and exhaled.

"Disappointed that we didn't find the Master right away?" asked Kazuya, walking by her side.

Arisa saw Thelma and Garoh ask Caris how she was feeling as they walked in front of them. Arisa then focused her view on the tall, white-haired boy by her side.

"A bit." Arisa hid the pendant back in her shirt. "I knew that we wouldn't find it here, yet part of me was hopeful. I guess I'm in a hurry since we let the other gem fall in the enemy's hands."

Remembering that battle in the North American Empire brought guilt in her heart. She was so close in catching the Master of Earth but had to cross paths with Taurus.

"Don't rush." Kazuya caressed her dark head. "We'll find it and we'll recover the one that was stolen from us."

Arisa met Kazuya's light brown eyes as she gazed at him. His grin made her smile back at him, asking herself what would have been of her if Kazuya wasn't always there to cheer her up.

The Fallen PrinceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora