⋇- Epilogue -⋇

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Under the sky that had streams of auroras, the castle looked brighter than the sparkling stars brightening the atmosphere. It appeared to be more lively than ever before with the music and cheerful laughter filling the background even from this distance.

Shaula curled her fingers on the trunk of one of the many trees hiding her. Her grip on the rough surface was so hard that it cut the skin of some fingers. But Shaula didn't care about that physical pain, her frustration towards what had happened was stronger than that.

"Traitors," she mumbled to herself.

Still watching the large building not far from her, Shaula couldn't believe how everything turned out. 

A few days ago her people were admiring her and her father and hated the idea of the half-breed prince becoming a king. They even hoped that her stupid cousin would lose or accidentally die in the challenge, yet there they were, celebrating his coronation after he killed their dear king.

She clenched her fist so tightly that her knuckles lost their color. She still blamed herself for believing she was already the winner in that battle. Everything was perfect and was going well until that last moment. If it weren't for her distraction, her father would have been the one celebrating right now, and one day, she would succeed him and become a queen.

But that stupid half-breed of a cousin and his damn family had to ruin everything. With her father on the throne, the Drageul bloodline would have fallen and Chiure would become the new royal family, making her father's plan to bring down her grandfather's family come true.

It had always been her father's dream to take that throne as a form of revenge for his father's rejection. But that dream has been interrupted and now her father, her only family, was no longer there.

"Aren't you going to join the party?" asked a sweet voice in the background. "It's your family after all."

"Humph," said Shaula, still gazing at the scenery not far from her. "I never considered those disgusting snobs as my family. You know that very well, Virgo."

Virgo giggled. "My bad. After all these years, I thought you at least grew a little sympathy towards them."

"I'll never grow a sympathy for people who always looked down on my father," said Shaula, her tone bitter. "It wasn't my father's fault if that old man had an affair with my grandmother and had him as a result. He still had royal blood despite having a mother that wasn't chosen in that stupid ceremony."

Shaula attempted to keep calm as she remembered the tale her father told her. After seeing that the woman the old man had chosen to bear his heir had finally given him a son, the old man cut ties with Shaula's grandmother and never accepted the child she was carrying as his child.

If her grandmother hadn't fought for the child's rights, her grandmother wouldn't have had the financial support to raise her son.

Despite in the end having some kind of support, Shaula's father wanted revenge for all the suffering he and his mother went through.

He had planned to take away the throne from the old man's beloved legitimate child to teach the old man a lesson. But the old man didn't live long enough to witness that. However, Shaula's father didn't mind and would be satisfied just watching the whole Drageul Royal Family suffer after seeing him on that throne.

"By the way, Virgo," said Shaula, "I heard rumors that a cloaked lady with a magical staff saved my Stupid Cousin. Was it you?"

"Hm," said Virgo thoughtfully. "I wonder."

Shaula glanced over her shoulder to check what puppet Virgo used tonight. With many trees and the moonlight hardly illuminating the woods, she didn't spot anything.

"I'm sure it was you," said Shaula, examining her surroundings. "Cassiopeia is the only weapon that can beat the odds of someone on the brink of death. Why did you interfere? It would have been perfect if my Stupid Cousin died."

As Virgo giggled, Shaula gritted her teeth in annoyance. If it wasn't for Virgo, that stupid half-breed of a cousin would be rotting deep in the ground. Even though her father would still be dead and obviously she wouldn't be chosen to be the next in line, Shaula would be satisfied to see that at least the child of the old man's beloved legitimate son was dead.

"I made a promise to his father years ago," replied Virgo, pushing Shaula away from her thoughts. "I would feel guilty if His Highness died, knowing I could have saved him and ending up breaking the promise."

Shaula's eyes widened. "You made a promise to that man? At what price?"

"Nothing." Virgo giggled. "He gave me the best show during that time; it wasn't every day Reiji showed such fragile emotions and after he lost his wife, I could enjoy his moments of vulnerability.

"He also swallowed his pride again in order to request this favor. Since I'm a nice person, I promised him not to let his precious son die before he was crowned as the new king."

Shaula gazed back to her front as she failed to spot Virgo's puppet again. Knowing how Virgo enjoyed watching people suffer, Shaula believed her words. Who knew, maybe Virgo was enjoying watching Shaula's loss right now.

"So what's the plan since everything with your family is solved?" asked Virgo, her voice curious.

Shaula gestured with her hand. A stream of water danced around her fingers.

"Isn't it obvious?" Shaula curled her fingers around the fully materialized spear. "Kill my Stupid Cousin."

"Oh," said Virgo, her tone surprised. "I thought you would join us to resume our quest."

Shaula tapped her weapon continuously on the ground. "There's also that, but killing the new king is top priority now."

"You really don't like him." Virgo giggled quietly.

Shaula gazed at the castle not far from her. Of course she hated the new king. He was the offspring of the old man's legitimate child, and on top of that, the new king had killed her father. There was nothing to sympathize with him.

"I won't rest until that guy is dead." Shaula tightened her grip on the spear. "Maybe I should kill his girlfriend first to torture him a little before I strike his heart."

Virgo gasped. "That sounds like an interesting plan and it would solve our problem since the princess will be dead."

"It is indeed." Shaula smirked. "Those two love each other so much, that death would be their perfect ending. I'll make sure they'll have that ending."

Shaula focused on the lively castle again.

Have fun while you can, Stupid Cousin. Very soon, you and your beloved will have the ending you deserve.

The Astral Guardians Series Book III: The End

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