⋇- 18: King Reiji's Demise -⋇

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Hui Yin opened the door. En rushed to the living room, still in disbelief that Kraden was there. His grandmother followed him.

As he walked into the spacious room that had a detailed pillar dividing the area into two different sections, En spotted a well-built, silver-haired man sitting on one of the sofas garnishing the right side of the room. Kraden quickly stood up when he noticed their presence, bowing a little at the sight of the elderly woman with a braided bun.

"Your Majesty," said Kraden, "it has been so many years since we last saw each other."

"There's no need to be so formal." En's grandmother gestured with her hand as if she was telling him to regain his posture. "It has been almost fifteen years since I retired. Now I'm just Mrs. Yu Yan."

Kraden's blue eyes, which had a shade of yellow on their contours, focused on the lady standing before him. His lips formed a small smile.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Some habits are difficult for me to break."

En's grandmother chuckled quickly. "You're still that well-mannered and respectful man, I see."

En gazed at his grandmother. He then shifted his view to  Kraden, impressed to see they knew each other so well and looked as though they got along pretty well, too.

"So what brings you here?" En's grandmother gestured at Kraden to have a seat.

"I came to talk to my nephew." Kraden's eyes met En's before he took back his seat. "If you don't mind, I would like to have our conversation with him privately."

En's heart sped, spreading nervousness. He guessed his uncle was there to convince him to return home and fight for that throne. He concluded that maybe Kraden thought using the strategy of talking to him face to face would be more effective than talking to him behind a phone. He exhaled, preparing himself to debate.

"Oh," said En's grandmother looking at Hui Yin. "Then we'll give you privacy but before that, Hui Yin, please bring something for our guest to eat."

"There's no need." Kraden shook his head. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry."

En's grandmother gazed back at Kraden. "How about something to drink? A cup of tea, perhaps?"

"Thank you," said Kraden. "I'm fine."

En's grandmother narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms as she gazed at him. She then teased that after their conversation, he would have tea with her before leaving her residence. Kraden laughed and told her that maybe by then, he would have an appetite.

The duo chatted for a minute before En's grandmother and Hui Yin excused themselves, leaving Kraden and En in the spacious room.

For a moment, silence fell as En had a seat on the sofa opposite Kraden. He gazed at the light brown carpet under his feet. After running away from his kingdom like a coward, En couldn't look at his uncle directly.

"I see you're in good health and it seems you're getting along with your maternal family." Kraden broke the ice. "That's good. It was a good idea to let you stay with them for a bit."

"How did you know I would be here?" En asked, still avoiding eye contact.

After years of his father cutting ties with En's maternal family, En thought that his uncle looking for him around here would be the last option.

"It was obvious the Yue Kingdom would be the place you would choose to hide. Where else would you go?" Kraden tilted his head. "When we're not feeling well physically or mentally, our instinct tends to take us to the person who brought us to this world to find comfort.

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