⋇- 12: Interrupted Dream -⋇

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En moved his pencil lightly, adding shades to the sketch that was almost complete. He glanced at the woman in a delicate white and blue hanfu, sitting on the grassy ground. Her pale hands covered her mouth as she yawned, looking bored.

En focused back on the drawing on the cream-colored paper. The Lili in that image was gazing at him. Her shoulder-length hair cascaded with light waves as she smiled gracefully, sitting in front of a flowery bush that enriched the background.

"You moved again, Lili," complained a voice by En's side.

As En looked by his left side, he felt small gazing at the girl in the wheelchair as he made himself comfortable on the green ground. Mei moved away strands of her long dark hair behind her ear as she sighed.

"I'm sorry, Mei," said Lili, sitting properly. "I'm just tired. It's not easy to sit still for long. How long until you people are done?"

Mei checked her drawing. "Not much. I only have to add some details. How about you, En?"

"I'm done," he replied, looking back at his sketch. "Though, I'm doing some final touches."

Mei gasped and gazed at him with widened eyes.

"No way," she said, finally finding her voice. "You're already done?"

En replied with a nod, showing her his artwork. Mei gazed at his drawing and then at hers.

"As expected from an artist's son," she said, exhaling. "Besides being fast, his sketch is flawless. What was I thinking about challenging you in an art contest?"

A quick chuckle escaped En's lips. "Don't say that. I've been drawing since I was a small child and you grew an interest in art a few years ago, right? You're still growing your drawing skills. Besides, Lili will be the one to judge which drawing is better."

"True," said Mei, readying her pencil. "My drawing is still unfinished, I can make it better than yours."

En raised a brow, impressed. He thought he would have to come up with something else to comfort her since she looked as if she had given up after seeing his artwork. But instead of complaining about her skills, she was determined to work hard and defeat him. She was definitely an interesting young woman.

"How long do I still have to plant myself here?" asked Lili, her tone impatient.

Mei focused on moving her pencil again. "Not long. I think in fifteen minutes I'll be done."

"I'm amazed how centuries ago, people would pose still to have a portrait of them." Lili sighed. "Thank goodness someone created the camera. I can't imagine how my body would hurt due to standing still for hours for someone to paint my picture."

Lili exhaled again and fixed her posture and dark hair before she focused her dark brown eyes back at the artists in front of her. En returned his concentration back on the drawing book on his lap. Despite the drawing being mostly done, it needed more shading to give it a realistic look.

En worked on his artwork, realizing that by each passing day, he was feeling more comfortable staying at his grandmother's residence. Three days had passed since he met most of his maternal family. Although his uncles concluded that he could stay at their mother's residence that night, he wasn't allowed to set foot in the royal palace.

Despite that, during those days, he received visits from his cousins, aunts, and two of his uncles. Ever since meeting Mei, she had been visiting the residence a lot and spent most of the time with him. When she found out he enjoyed drawing, her eyes brightened and challenged him to an art contest. She ended up asking Lili to be their model and judge.

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