Author's Note

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Dear Readers,

Pax Christi!
Life has been very good but busy this past year so writing became too tedious for me. However, one will always go back to something that makes her or him happy, so after a long hiatus, I am back with a new and hopefully a time-worthy story.

Just like my other stories, this one is also filled with heart breaking scenes, funny moments and most of all, sexual tension.

Ditching the Prince is not just romance but also about struggle, forgiveness and finding one's self as well as renewing hope.

I hope my story would be a tiny source of joy to help you survive the boredom brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Feel free to tell me how you feel and think about the flow of Aaki and Pippa's story. Just use the #DitchingThePrince_WP on twitter so I can read them all.

I'll be posting updates and some bits and pieces about DTP on my twitter account @WowieWrites, so please do follow me.

Will be posting the prologue on October 20, 2020 )Tuesday). Thank you and enjoy! 💋

All the best,
Frummi Jacobs

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