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Everyone introduced themselves to me. Tobi was the peaceful one, smiling as he shook my hand also. And lastly the blonde boy was Harry. He didn't really make much eye contact, obviously his head was elsewhere. I decided to put that behind me and focus on getting to know the others.

"So Kelli, what brings you here again?" Tobi asked inquisitively.

I stuttered, not knowing what to tell them. I knew Simon, Talia, Vik and Josh already knew, but now that they knew it wasn't as big of a deal. But the others had no idea. Would they be as understanding? I began to shake, the more I thought about it, the more horrible possible outcomes I thought of. 'Ew what is she doing here.' 'Get her out' And many more as my brain was wizzing around.

Talia noticed I was shaking and squeezed my hand, letting me know it would be okay. I took a deep breath and told them. I told them that I was homeless and didn't want to go into much detail about it. I wasn't sure I was ready for anyone else to know. They all seemed more, not stuck up but confident and knew what they wanted in life. I had told enough people already.

The guys nodded. I realised they all had inquiring expressions. "You can say anything, I'm not going to be offended or whatever," I smiled and Vik started.

"I was going to ask, uh, how old are you?" Vik blushed as if he'd just swore in front of his family.

I covered my face. "Really offensive, I might just cry," I said trying my best to keep a sad look. Vik stuttered apologies while Harry laughed at us both, getting the hint of sarcasm.

"Sarcasm, Vik. Sarcasm," Harry shook his head while Vik laughed off his embarrassment. Harry then went back to his phone, his happy second gone.

"And to answer your question, I'm 23. If your telling me you thought I was like 12 or 40 I'm going to rage." I jokingly shook my fist, but then realised what my fist looked like, and quickly hid it away. Tobi looked shocked and I didn't see the others. Probably the same.

JJ looked impressed. "Did you get in a fight! Pretty sick one of you did!"

I blushed. "You could say so." I winked.

"Don't ask," Josh said, giving me a small smile, he knew I didn't want to talk about it. I mouthed him a thank you.

"It's fine. I'm not used to people wanting to hear me, everyone just gives me one look and speeds off."

"I'm so sorry. But us guys are different. You've just had a bad experience with people. Not everyone in the media and In general are like that, I can promise you that," Vik said but I still wasn't convinced, but decided to nod and leave it at that.

As it got a little silent, Ethan asked me if I had a number. I told him yeah but my Nokia brick wouldn't do shit and asked him jokingly, "Still want my number?"

He nodded enthusiastically and we all laughed. He was ushered to the back before he would flex on his muscles.

"So what do you think of everyone?"Josh and Vik whisper eagerly.

"Well my first impression of you Josh was major dad vibes,"I grinned and he laughed as did the rest. "Oops wasn't supposed to say that out loud."

"Knew everyone else saw it, I told you!" Tobi squealed.

I felt like I recognised Josh from somewhere, but I hadn't seen him before, I couldn't have.

Everyone was talking and trying to start a conversation apart from Harry.

I still had no idea why these people were talking to me. I was just some homeless girl with no future.

I decided to ask. "Why are you guys talking to me? I'm just some skank who has no life ahead of them."

"I've never met someone so confident in your, uh- position and it definitely inspired Vik." Josh smiles.

"But I'm- I'm homeless. What's so special about me?" I was still very confused.

"I don't know," Josh says. "You needed help and I was willing to do that." "Something is different about you. We all see it."

That conversation ended and it went back to laughs and an easy flowing conversation.
These guys seem like family, so close, comfortable. I could only dream of one of them.

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