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When we finally returned home, we decided to have a girls night. I'd never had one before and was sure to enjoy myself.

We all jumped onto the sofa and Freya flicked through Netflix films. After many debates on whether to watch a horror or romantic, Talia won and Grease began the playing. Although I'd never seen it before, it wasn't really my type of film and decided to scroll through my old Nokia. The girls noticed me looking at my phone and I laughed.

"What?" I whisper as they smile to each other. Talia snatches my phone and throws it at the wall, damaging the wall and my phone.

"What the hell?!" I say completely dumbfounded by what she just did.

Freya runs into another room and returns holding a rectangular present, wrapped in blue wrapping paper. Her smile beaming, she hands me the gift. "I'll pretend I don't see the dent in the wall," Freya glares at Talia but she just apologises between giggles.

"Happy early Christmas!" They squeal and I can't take the suspense no longer. I rip through the paper like a wild animal, until there is no more and I see what the gift is.

I proudly hold the newest IPhone 11 and squeal with the girls. "You guys! You didn't have to!" I say, but quickly take the phone and out of the box and examine it's beauty. It was red and shiny, and much much bigger than my old, broken phone.

"Kelli it's the least we could do. You were so brave and strong, and we wanted to show you how special you are. You deserve a treating," Freya says and they pull me into a soft embrace, smelling both their flower perfumes.

"You don't understand how much you've changed my life," I muffle info their shoulders.

After we let go of the embrace, they both showed me how to use the phone. They added their contacts with some funny emojis and then told me what social media's to download. In less than five minutes I now had Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit and Twitch accounts.

I wasted no time checking out each app, using the funny filters on Snapchat and then doing a cute one with the two of them. I saved it and set it as my home screen.

"So," Talia begins and I put my phone down for the first time since I got it. "Got your eyes on anyone?"

"Not really," I reply, all the boys I've met have girlfriends or aren't my type.

"Keep your paws off Josh," Freya jokes, and I tell her with my hand on my heart he ain't going nowhere.

"Same goes with Simon," Talia laughs.

When Grease finally ends and Talia's singing finishes, she shoots up like a rocket and says she has a good idea.

She leads me and Freya to her car and we hop in, without even knowing where we are going.

After a few songs we arrive at a beautiful shop. "We are getting our nails done!" She screams.

I turn to Freya. "Just roll with it!" She laughs and we run to catch up with Talia.

She's already sat in the nail chair when we arrive inside, so we go to sit on the waiting chairs. As Talia chats away to the nail artist, I get a notification on Instagram.

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