43 : the powerpuff detectives

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[ 43 : the powerpuff detectives ]


BLANKLY STARING AT the white board, our professor, Mister Olayta started rambling a few announcement before he starts with his stupid discussion.

"Our beloved principal, Miss Crimson prepared an activity for us," he started. "The Crimson Red University is going to have its very first field trip this school year! Are you all excited?"

My classmates screamed out of excitement. I remained blank. As Mister Olayta proceeded on his announcement, I got lost in my own world instead.


Whoever Pisces is, I'm gonna make sure that I'm going to annihilate him. I'm going to chop his body pieces after pieces. Pun intended.

I can't believe that he's far worse than Virgo. And dude, he didn't just murder them, he literally chopped their body like some kind of fucking pork!

He took out the organs as well!

"Are you coming?" Grayson asked, snapping me out my reverie.

When I looked at him, he looked odd. There's this huge bags under his eyes. More importantly, he looked tired as fuck.

"Coming where?"

Grayson flicked my forehead. "You're not listening, Wishy. Mister Olayta announced that we're gonna have a field trip this weekend. More like a camping. Are you in?"

A field trip is the last thing I need right now. Or maybe I needed it. You know, as a distraction?

But that would mean postponing the investigation or letting Miss Carvajal handle it alone. And I can't let that happen.

Pisces is after her.

Detective Carvajal is the next target. I can't afford to lose another life because of me.

Aurora and Icey died because of me. They were brutally murdered. Virgo's victims were supposed to be released yet that fucking constellation took them all to murder them.

I have to save them as soon as possible.

"Hey!" Grayson half shouted. Are you even listening, Wishy?"

"S-Sorry," I stuttered. "I'm not coming. I have important matters to think of,"

"Important matters?"

"Uh... project? Thesis?"

"We're always partners."

"Grayson," I scornfully said. "Just let it slip, will you?"

"Sorry," he laughed. "But Genie and Guin will be coming. Aren't you joining?"

"Is Lincoln coming?" I asked. Because we need to solve the crime first before having fun.

I'm finally feeling how Lincoln felt when several peeps were abducted because of him. Honestly, that was my fault. Still arguable, eh?

I feel guilty having fun whilst there are people who are suffering because of me.

"I don't know..." he trailed off. Then looked at me awkwardly. "Uh...speaking of which. Are you guys really siblings?"

"Apparently," I replied briefly. I didn't want to explain more. I ain't in the mood to tell lies. And I'm not much of a good liar either so it's safer to make the conversation short.



Since the announcement was finished, Mister Olayta proceeded on discussing his lectures. And for the first time, I found myself intently listening on it.

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