chapter 1- risk

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staring at the bottle of prozac she held a hand up to her mouth as she held the pills in the other. it was nearly full since she thought she could do without them. her thoughts were getting violent and every night it would torment her, refusing to let her rest.

putting the bottle down hastily she ran out to her jewelry box. she was going to look for a ring she was going to gift her girl the next time she came over, but she doesn't think she'll be around to do that.

it was a diamond encrusted skull ring that paired with another, it was for them both to wear as a reminder when they missed each other.

she ran to her closet and moved through the gift boxes, seeing if there was any nice ones she's kept. pulling out a velvet box with felt padding her lips turned upward in the slightest, opening to see the contents.

seeing as it was empty she walked back over to the dresser and carefully inserted the ring in between the plush cushioning. it fit perfectly and it gleamed beautifully in the light.

she folded up the box and the prewritten note inside, she wrote it years ago seeing as she wasn't in the best mindset. obviously she never got to use it but she felt like this was the right time.

of course she has to rewrite some of it to include the things that changed her life so drastically. the box was for the girl specifically, she hoped she was the one who walked through the door when she found her dead on the floor.

clutching it tight to her chest she walked back into the bathroom, resuming her place on the floor with the now opened bottle of antidepressants.

putting down the box carefully she poured a larger amount than recommended, the green and white pills covering the majority of her palm. she shook them around in her hand like it was dice.

her hand was propped up on her knee and she leaned her head on the other.

was it really worth it?

she could battle her demons, a little bit of pain for a lifetime of happiness.

everybody knew that was bullshit. not thinking twice she stood up and ran the faucet, putting all the pills in her mouth before bringing a handful of water to her mouth.

with great effort she swallowed them all, feeling them falling down her stomach like a drain. tears welled in her eyes, realizing what she's done. she would be gone forever and nobody would miss her.

no going back now. gingerly picking up the red box she held it to her chest as she slowly fell onto her side. she was growing tired and could no longer bare to just lean against the wall. everything grew fuzzy and she could no longer feel the nerves in her limbs.

at the same time everything was on fire. like she was in hell.

she heard the sound of nails shuffling against tile as a wet nose touched her hand, a small whine coming from above her. a fat head wiggles it's way underneath her limp hand before settling down, knowing it couldn't do anything.

her head felt like it was spinning in circles and she felt bile rising into her throat. a ghost of sickness as nothing came up when she retched. nothing looked the same as if she was already growing unfamiliar with her surroundings.

she could feel her grip loosen and her connection reality started to dissipate, right before her eyes she could've sworn she saw the girl leaning down. soft fingers caressed her face and wiped around her mouth.

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