chapter 4- whisper

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staring at a picture of billie, she couldn't help the tears falling down her face. her fingers caressed the details of the singer's face, her touch lingering on the wide smile. she missed her more than anybody could ever comprehend. hearing heavy footsteps walking to the bedroom door juniper quickly but delicately put the photo behind another picture in the frame. she kissed it before doing so.

"hey! come on, wedding planners are here.", her 'fiancé' walked through the door, buttoning you his black dress shirt. his hair was done to perfection and had a sharp look in his eyes.

he was devilishly handsome, he just wasn't for her. her heart never belonged to him. the way he proposed was in public and she couldn't humiliate the man like that. he put loads of money into the ring and the extravagant affair.

she felt peer pressured by people she didn't even know who had hands over their mouths and smiles on their faces.

she said yes, resisting the urge to run the opposite direction. he had come into her life like a meteor and changed everything. he disapproved of her being in the modeling industry, insisting it was a woman's job to be at home and cooking for the man.

he made it seem like a good thing when he said, "less work for you and i can provide for us."

he was sexist, homophobic and borderline racist. though it never made sense to her as to why, he was a person of color as well.

the world spins a different direction for some people, she guesses.

"right.", she muttered, groaning internally when he leaned down to kiss her temple with chapped lips.

she wishes everyday he would just stay away from her. every night, more often than not he would pressure her into having sex with him.

she refused, not willing to give up her virginity to a man, she held the same amount of respect with him as the president.

disgusting apricot with a toupee.

"come on! i'm not letting them see you wearing... that.", he gestured to her shorts and lazy tee. she looked down and pinched the fabric with a confused look.

"would you rather me wear a ball dress? would that suit your expectations?", she sneered, he had no right to tell her what clothes she needed to wear.

"don't speak to me that way, june.", he stared at her through the mirror as he put on his cuff links, he had a cold glare as he walked away. his eyes shifted to her, predatory and threatening.

"yeah well. fuck you too.", she whispered. unexpectedly she felt a firm force slamming into her back as she sifted through the closet.

she felt harsh breathing down her neck and firm calloused hands traveling up her shirt. fingers brought her skin between and squeezed. she was barely able to contain her yelp, closing her eyes in pain as he pushed her further into the clothes.

"you need to watch your language around me..", he snarled into her ear, spitting slightly and emphasizing his words.

"get off of me.", she grabbed his hands and shoved them off, breathing in sharply when his fingers scraped against her.

he huffed and she knew he had his chin held high behind her, he held most of the dominance and asserted it abusively.

"be outside in 5 minutes.", then his boots scuffed against the carpet off to the hall. multiple times she would tell him to take off his shoes at the front door, not wanting dirt tracks around the house. it caused her to vacuum the place more than she liked.

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