chapter 22- electrifying

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8 months later, january 13th

the melody to one of the songs in her album was echoing throughout the room. they were bobbing their heads along to the beat, making faces with blatant expressions.

"this is good. i like it.", finneas clicked off a few buttons, sliding away his piano as the next part of the song came on. he picked up a guitar and strummed a few notes, signaling billie to start.

"i pray you believe."

"you know that i would love you in my last i would. whatever's in the way, i would."

"although i am afraid, yeah i would."

finneas gently set his instrument down and
clapped his hand on her shoulder, smiling at her proudly.

applause rang from around her, she looked past the glass separating the recording room and the lounge. she waved her hand at juniper who was giving her a thumbs up and a fat grin.

"that's i would! we finished it, billie! damn i never thought this shit would be done by the time brandon requested.", billie sighed and put the microphone down. she was done with her album, the one she put blood, sweat and tears into.

it was a breeze compared to wwafawdwg, but it never ceased to throw curveballs her way. countless hours she spent in the studio recording with finneas, endless takes whenever she thought it wasn't good enough.

she put her relationship and friendships at risk in the process, her mental health took a beating and it seemed like she never had the time to repair it all.

though towards the end of the completion of her album things started to come back together. she found the time to mend her love with juniper.

in between all the interviews and conferences she's had it was a hard journey. some times late at night when she was laying in a cold empty bed she would wonder if it really was worth it.

if all the effort she was putting into gluing her career back together was worthless, if getting back into music was just a faraway dream.

she had put everything i wanted in the beginning as an opener to each of her concerts and my future as a closer. wanting to end each of her shows on a good note.

they were singles, of course, they were just added in to incorporate her progress and how far she's come.

"you did such a good job, baby. you have no idea how proud of you i am..", billie smiled at juniper, nearing her as she walked out from the door.

"thank you, love.", she pouted at her figure on the couch, wearing one of billie's oversized hoodies and leggings. she looked undeniably cute.

"ayo, eilish! you've come so far! look at you! you're huge now!", jahseh jumped onto her back and rubbed his fist into her head playfully.

"thank you, jah. appreciate man. what about you? surprising everybody with your new album too! bro, june had to threaten not to give me head if i didn't turn your shit off cause i kept listening to it.", jahseh laughed and slid off of her back, hugging her close.

"we've all got shit in store for us, at least we get to find out what it is together. man i'm so glad we all still friends. we went through some shit.", she agreed, she had just gotten back into contact with brandon, they had drifted from each other over time.

she had to admit to herself she missed him more than her pride could take, they ended up reconnecting a month ago.

"i knew you could do it, bil.", brandon smiled, engulfing her in his arms, rubbing her back.

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