chapter 3- expected

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heartbroken for his friend was what he felt at the moment to say the least. the information he heard over the phone struck him like lightning. he didn't ever think juniper would get into another relationship, nonetheless married.

though he couldn't expect her to stay single all her life because billie supposedly 'died'.

"yeah! i'd really love it if you boys could come. alejandro misses you guys a lot, aviva even promised to make your guys' favorite dishes if you showed up.", he could hear the smile through the phone as the girl spoke animatedly about inviting him.

"i don't know.. juniper you know the boys will literally destroy every single food platter you have set out. you either gotta hide the food or individually distribute the platters.", he chuckled, he already knew he would agree to joining the wedding. he just didn't know how to break it to a certain blue-haired girl.

she dyed it back saying that juniper loved the color and kept it the same hue for the past 2 years, waiting for the right chance to greet her again.

"right. well, i don't think hiding it will do, i'll just threaten to take away my family's cooking if they do.", he smiled knowing that it would do just the trick.

"we'll be there. just.. i've got some news for you, well maybe it won't be coming from me. but since it's your wedding... i'll be bringing a big surprise for you.", he heard a gasp from the other end and he hoped she would have the same reaction when billie showed up.

"what it is?", she asked excitedly, she had never grown out of her child-like enthusiasm and that's what was special about juniper.

"it's a surprise, just don't freak out too much. okay?", he winced when he realized just how big of a deal this was and he had to tread lightly or everything would break apart.

"well that's no fun, i don't like surprises.", she was pouting, stokeley could tell. since she was the baby of the friend group, excluding billie, she was treated like a princess since they all saw her as a little sister.

all of them disapproved and let out verbal disagreements when they heard she was getting married. they didn't know the man nor did they even hear of him, which set jahseh off more than it did for the other two. he was scarily protective over her and he intimidated any man or woman that came near her for almost 2 years before she confronted him.

after that he had no choice but to let off some since juniper was feisty and had no problem decking somebody in the face.

"i know. just trust me on this, i want you to just see in the moment and if you end up murdering someone...let's just say it isn't the first time it's happened to them..", he whispered the last part lowly to himself, hoping that she wouldn't hear what he muttered.

"what did you say at the last part? i think you cut out.", she was ruffling around a stack of papers, the engaged couple wanted to foster, but he had hoped to wedge billie in between the two like a doorstopper.

billie deserved a...3rd?.. 4th? chance, and a man they all disliked was not going to ruin the two. he saw the type of love they had and he knew it was something special.

"nothing. are you still planning on fostering a little girl?", he got up and paced around, he needed more time to play matchmaker. once they had a child together everything was set in stone and he had no chance of being cupid.

"um.. we don't know actually.. he's been weird lately and work is really stress him out. he's real tired when he comes home late at night, you know business stuff..", her voice lowered at the end of her sentence, like even she was unsure about the whole ordeal.

"oh well maybe have a chat with him about it, you know talking seriously.", this was exactly what he wanted, he had a suspicion that the naive boy wasn't enough for her. she was having an early wedding, frequently whenever the boys asked the reason she only answer with ' better now than ever, am i right?'

stokeley never trusted her answers, it may have gotten by the younger ones but he could see the hesitation and the regret she tried to hide valiantly.

"yeah.. he just never wants to talk to me anymore. i- i don't know if it's about the sex.. or if he even wants a child. he's never physically agreed with having a kid.. he'd always talk about how much of the devil they were. i'm just sort of in a dilemma. i don't even know if i'm fertile, i don't know if his sperm is strong enough..", stokeley cringed, not enjoying how she was carelessly talking about sex around him.

juniper, unsurprisingly, was still a virgin. none of the males or females she's remotely spoken to have caught her on a tight enough hold for her to give a part of her temple.

the only person she was so willingly to hand herself over to was billie, she still wasn't afraid to admit that years later.

"right.. how about having a dinner in?", juniper sucked in a breath and let it out shakily.

"i don't know.. he gets aggressive and just shouts sometimes when i pressure him to speak to me about it.", he furrowed his eyebrows at that, surely her fiancé knew of her fears. she was sensitive to yelling, not being able to tolerate much of it. assuming she had told her fiancé about it, why was he doing it anyway?

"he yells at you? for talking about a serious matter that requires both of your input.", he didn't understand the situation. sure stokeley couldn't put up with the man for more than 5 minutes in the same room, but he was adamant on trying to accept juniper's choices.

even if they were a little janky.

"i mean i know it frustrates him. i can't help but let it scare me.. he knows, he just forgets.", she whispers the last part. stokeley doesn't know why she's trying to make excuses for him. this was the only thing she ever verbally admitted to him doing.

"look, how about we talk about this at the wedding, then i'll have a talk with mr. goodguy.", he smiled and he knew he managed to make her day a little better.

"also! stay away from the turkey, that bitch is mine.", she giggled before ending the call after they shared their goodbyes.

now all stokeley had to do was make sure billie didn't murder the son of a bitch.



"you're sure she wants to see me?", billie fiddled with a piece of clothing she laid out, jahseh insisted they must pick out a nice one to make a good impression.

"i mean sure she might slap you, but that's just the healing process.", he laid a hand on her shoulder and gave a small grin as she looked at him incredulously.

"healing process, right. so what's the event?", at that he froze and puffed his cheeks, unable to from coherent words as he stuttered.

"i— it's just— something to— um, celebrating?", it was a lame excuse but billie believed it anyway, she would find out on her own.

"is it anything bad? did someone die? oh god that would be the worst time for me to show up.", he waved his hands and reassured it was not a funeral.

"look, just... make sure you look nice, alright? see what changed over the years. that you changed.", he was referring to when she didn't have the common decency to treat a girl.

she hasn't had anybody warm her bed for the time she was in hiding, feeling guilt creep onto her whenever she tried to 'talk' to someone.

something was different about the celebration they were going to, and she had a feeling she would receive more than what she expected.

1361 words
this is rushed cus i'm excited 🤭
IM EXCITED for the next part
and those asking saying 'years?', if you're confused it's been a little while since billie decided to fake her death. makes it more dramatic, yes?
stay safe and i love you

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