chapter 2- chance

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"we're losing her, fuck! jenkins get me the fucking tube already!", chaos around her is what she first heard when a sliver of her consciousness returned. her neck was bent at an awkward angle and she could feel a blazing fire raging in the pit of her stomach

at the same felt cold. so bleak and lifeless, she was in the gray area between life and death.

"i can't find the naloxone. it isn't here!", a string of curses flew around her as her eyes opened for a split second. she could feel her mouth foaming and she could do nothing as her body convulsed violently. a few moments went by, then a needle was stuck into the base of her forearm, startling her.

she felt her organs relax, her body no longer slowing down its tantrum. her heart rate was very clear in her eardrums, letting out a groan her head fell to the side, unable to propped up.

"hey, hey. look at me. come on, give me something!", a rough hand shook her shoulder, she peered up into concerned brown eyes before they disappeared. the gurney she was in flew to the side as the ambulance shook and rocked. the giant vehicle and the passengers inside spun in circles, alarms blaring and screaming surrounding them.

her throat tried to erupt in a scream as she felt her leg being torn to shreds on a medical appliance. sharp edges dug into her calf, at that moment she knew her leg would never be the same. glass and debris shards punctured her skin as the ropes holding her down cut away, sending her flying to the roof of the now still ambulance.

the alarms were blaring, sirens fading as the fire surrounding her grew larger. it was burning her skin, her clothes hanging on by a thread.

blood dripped from her head as she held herself up by the elbows. she looked out the back of the car and screamed for help, the pain becoming nearly unbearable. she clawed and tensed her arms, crawling to the edge before collapsing the short distance down into a pile of glass.

footsteps hurriedly scuffled over to her yelling if she was okay. streaks of tears fell down her face as a pair of hands latched onto her shoulders and dragged her out.

"i'm sorry, i know it hurts i'm sorry. somebody call 911!", it was a male and he yelled to his comrades as they searched around for their phone.

"yeah! this— theres— an ambulance got into a really really bad car crash. um.. theres this girl, she's um— she's really hurt and i don't know where the other people are but.. i'm pretty sure she's dying! please help, we're on.. fuckin' uh..", a shaky voice spoke into the phone as he ran around looking for a sign, anything to give him the description of the road he was on.

"we're by this starbucks! there's no fucking signs anywhere, it's an intersection and there's a wash right next to it. there's um..", billie didn't bother to listen to him anymore, the inferno growing from her leg travelled up her body.

"please... help me..", she clutched onto the man's shirt as he ripped it apart and wrapped it around her leg. she was too scared to know what it now looked like, flesh coming off the bone and the marrow shredded to bits.

"i know, i'm trying. please stay awake, what's your name? tell me your name.", he applied pressure to her wounds, making her cry out. hot tears fell down her cheeks as she stuttered, not being able to find her words as her brain fogged up.

she could feel the stickiness of her own blood as she laid in a ever growing pool of it.

"b-bil.. billie.", she gasped as her skin fell apart, flames licked her skin as the flesh started to fall onto the ground. she could feel her leg decomposing and it was probably the worst situation she could ever be in.

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