Part II: 22

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Sixth year

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Sixth year. After receiving multiples Os and Es with only on A in potions along with the best seeker since Charlie, Oliver felt things starting to turn up.
But the night before September first of 1998, Oliver clutched a golden snitch in his hand and scanned it with his eyes like he did every night.
He didn't know what he would find on it but he wanted a clue, just a simple hint about where she was. Why was she not at Hogwarts?
Despite going on with their lives, the group spent several nights wondering about their friend.
On the first day of fifth year, they had run to Dumbledore and asked him about her returning to Hogwarts.
"She has been pulled out of Hogwarts through her gaurdian's wishes. I am not authorized to tell you the reason. Why don't you Owl her?" The headmaster has suggested.
After weeks of sending Owls and gaining no reply, the group started to fill the hole in her place with each other.

It was rather funny to Oliver that the moment he realized that he may fancy the girl, she disappeared into thin air. How convenient.
Fifth year had been weird for Oliver. First Delilah mysteriously left Hogwarts, she didn't answer to any letters, the Gryffindor team got a great new seeker who happened to be the boy who lived, he had to almost cancel the try outs but Clarissa dropped out of the team as chaser because she was lagging far behind in school, his new seeker almost fell off his broom, Oliver never stopped writing to Delilah, she never stopped ignoring them and regardless of having the best team, Oliver still missed Delilah being his seeker. She only played one game but that one game was so perfect.
And this was only the first half of his year. Everything seemed to go so slow yet so fast, Oliver couldn't keep up. Now, here he was ready for sixth year, physically. Mentally he wasn't as ready.

The station was crowded as always. Trolleys, children, pets, parents and chaos.
But through all this chaos, Jesse found Oliver rather quickly.
"Seen any others?" He asked and Oliver shook his head.
"The Weasleys are late. They're usually easily spotted"
"Clarissa might already be on the train, it's 10:50 already" The two boys looked around for their friends.
"Oi! Jesse! Oliver!" Connor approached them.
Being a big group was difficult. Spotting your friends and collecting them all in one place took a while. So, the three boys decided to board the train and sit in their usual compartment and wait for the others to arrive.

Clarissa and Alexander arrived only a few seconds later and Percy came at the last minute.
"Too many people! My house was a mess!" He complained.
"Fred, George and Ron flew the car to Harry's house! Mum was furious!" Clarissa's eyes widened.
"They flew a car?" Alexander asked in shock.

"I'm going to go for rounds. Perce, coming?" Jesse stood up and asked the redhead.
"I'm too tired for this, I'll catch up later" Percy told the boy who nodded.
Jesse slid the door open and walked to each compartment, asking the younger students if they were alright.
He slid open one compartment door to see two girls, one of them was crying. Looked like a first year.
"Are you alright?" The two girls looked at Jesse and he recognized them as Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger. Percy's sister and her friend.
"What's wrong? Do you want me to get your brother?"
"Ron? He's not on the train!" Ginny said in worry.
"Maybe he's in another compartment.." Jesse suggested and the girls shook their head.
"I don't think they got on the train!" Hermione explained.
"How about I get your brother, Percy and the two of us can look for your brother, and Harry"
Jesse quickly made his way back towards his compartment to find Percy.
As he was walking towards the back of the train, Jesse found the twins walking in the thin corridor.
"Oh good! Both of you. Your brother is missing"
"Which one?" The asked in unison and Jesse mentally facepalmed. Always mention which one, there are too many.
"Ron. Go find Ginny because she's upset and I'm going to look through the compartments with Percy to see if him and Harry are in some other part of the train" The Weasley twins might've been jokesters and idiots but remained rather serious when it came to their family. The two immediately nodded and made their way to the other side of the train.

Knock on wood | Oliver Wood (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora