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I wish I was Heather

Delilah loved Oliver Wood, she really did, but before anything she had to gain his trust again. It was the first time after the war that the group was meeting up again, to catch up on what had happened, everyone except Clarissa. She had refused to come out of her room and after multiple attempts to talk to her, each one of them had practically given up. She needed her space too and they were willing to give it.

Delilah sat with Alexander and Percy who were the only ones there yet.
"How have you guys been?" She asked after a long silence and the two looked at each other awkwardly, "Okay, this is awkward. I-I honestly don't know what to say to you both. Alexander's still kind of mad at me and Percy was at the Ministry, I saw him"

"I'm not mad at you" Alexander told her, "I just don't know what to say, I was in hiding for so long"

"Well, What's going on between you and Oliver?" Percy asked.

"We're friends, we're good" She nodded. She was obviously sad about it, she was in love with him, "I have to regain his trust before anything"

"Are you going to try and get together with him again?"

"I want to, but for now I just want his friendship back"

"Actually," Alexander scratched the back of his neck, "You were gone for a long time and he kind of met someone on some other Quidditch team.." He trailed off, "I don't know if they're still together"

"Oh...I-well-I should've expected that. I mean it's not like he had to wait around for me. I mean four years is a long time" Her voice cracked in the middle but she managed to keep her poise. What was she thinking? Did she really expect him to wait around for her?

Delilah's heart dropped when Oliver entered the tea shop with a girl. She was a well built girl, her brown hair was tied up in a neat ponytail. She was only a little shorter than Oliver and much taller than Delilah. Her smile seemed perfect and she walked with much elegance. At that moment, everything about her seemed perfect to Delilah.

"This is April Baker" Oliver introduced and Delilah felt herself shrink into her chair. "She plays for Chudley Canons as seeker " Delilah wasn't sure how to feel about that. Either Oliver Wood had a type or he was doing this on purpose to get back at her. She hoped it was the latter.

"I'm Delilah," She paused debating whether or not to say her last name, it was rather controversial. That pause remained until Percy spoke up beside her, sensing her awkwardness.

"Percy Weasley" He shook hands with her.

Nothing made Delilah more angry than April. There was nothing wrong with her, she was the nicest person ever, but maybe that was the problem. She couldn't stand seeing Oliver with her and everyone except Oliver and April noticed that.

"Lil, remember how you said you needed to go get some things for your brother from the Quidditch store? Let's go now, before it closes or we forget" Jesse prompted her and she rolled her eyes, "Yeah let's go" she said through her fake smile and gritted teeth.

"Mind if I join you both? I really need new gloves" April told them and the two stood there awkwardly. Oliver on the other hand knew his friends rather well. He knew they were going out to talk, he could see right through Delilah.

"We can go later, don't you both have to go to other shops as well?" Oliver covered for them and Jesse nodded.

"What?" Delilah asked Jesse as they made their way to the streets of Diagon Alley.
"What's going on with you?" Jesse asked as they walked towards the Quudditch store.
"What's going on with me?" She repeated as if she knew nothing.
"You're acting weird, we can all see it"
"I'm not!"
"I think I know you enough to say this," Jesse stopped in his steps, "You get very nice when you're jealous. You're being obnoxiously nice to April" He was basically scolding her.
"Excuse me!?"
"You're Jealous of her!"

Knock on wood | Oliver Wood (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now