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Going back to school was exciting for Delilah

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Going back to school was exciting for Delilah. A lot had happened over this Christmas and she was ready to get back to her usual routine.
She was dropped off at the station by her aunt and uncle. The girl sat in their usual compartment alone considering she was pretty early.
Her nose was stuck in a book when James came to her compartment, "How was your Christmas break?" He asked her.
"Good, all over the place, but good" Delilah smiled at him as he sat across from her, "How about you?"
"Great! mum cooked her Christmas special, my grandparents came over and we got presents!" he snickered.
"You're never too old for presents" Delilah laughed and James nodded vigorously in agreement. They chatted for a while until Oliver came to the compartment. He didn't even notice James sitting there when he walked in.
"Woah.." He stared at Delilah in awe, "Your hair.."
Delilah smiled as her cheeks went completely red. Over the break, the girl had decided that it was time for a new look and so cut her hair rather short.
"It looks- amazing!" Oliver told her and she muttered a small thanks.
"Also, it suits your badass personality. Don't even have to tie your hair up to get ready for a fight! Practical" He added with a wink and Delilah laughed. Maybe that's why she liked the idiot standing in front of her, he didn't judge her or stop her or anything. He believed in her and her intentions.

Delilah didn't see Jesse or Percy until they reached the great hall. They had to sit in the prefects' compartment. The rest of the group made their way from the train to the carriages, well the other three did, "Can we talk?" Oliver asked. She looked at him and the carriage then back at him, "I can't believe I'm physically walking for you" She rolled her eyes and let the carriage go.
"How else would you walk if not physically?" Oliver asked.
"Don't question such things" They walked behind the carriages rather slowly as Delilah waited for him to say something.
"Umm..Wood, if you asked me to walk in silence, you better carry me up all the way to the castle" Delilah told him.
"I'm ready, I thought about it and I'm ready to commit.." He said nervously.
"Oliver, you don't have to-"
"-But I want to, I like you, I have since a long time and sometimes I look at people like Alex and Connor and think hey, that could be you and I."
"You and me" Delilah murmured.
"It's you and me not you and I" She told him and he just stared at her for a second.
Oliver let out a sigh, "this is why I don't like to talk about my feelings,"
"No no, it was sweet. I'm sorry, I won't interrupt you" Delilah chuckled.
"This is exactly the problem, I don't like being vulnerable to people, but when I'm with you everything just comes out like a freaking waterfall" Oliver was rambling nervously. Delilah grabbed his arm and stopped him from walking any further, "-I know I said I won't interrupt you but this is getting a little difficult" She tip-toed and pulled him down into a light feathery kiss that tickled his lips and tingled his heart. Her hands were around his neck as she clinged onto him for balance because if she didn't, Delilah would've melted completely.
Their foreheads touched each other's as they pulled back, "So..be my girlfriend, officially?"
"I would say no, but I don't want to"

Delilah was dating Oliver Wood, Delilah was dating Oliver Wood, Delilah was dating Oliver Wood. News traveled fast in school, faster than anyone would've thought because why the next morning people were whispering.
"Didn't she punch him once?"
"I thought she hated quidditch"
"Of course he would date her, her brother is a famous player and Oliver is obsessed with Quidditch"
"I honestly can't believe this, she's completely mad! Her father's a murderer!"
"He just likes her because of her Quidditch legacy"

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