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Hands down the best Oliver Wood GIF

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Hands down the best Oliver Wood GIF

"I can't believe this. How can no one will the cup!? We won the two games we played! We should just get it!" Oliver complained to the group.
"Because only two teams got to play! They didn't get a fair chance!," Jesse defended the other houses and Oliver shot him a glare.
"Would you rather win fair and square or would you rather cheat your way through?" Delilah asked him.
"I don't mind as long as I win" Oliver replied and she gave him a raised eyebrow. "Okay, maybe maybe I would like to win on my own" He told her and she chuckled, "exactly. It's not fair to the other teams" She explained.
"I guess you're right" he pouted and Jesse gave him a baffled look, "I said that same thing and you gave me a death glare! Partiality!" He mocked an exaggerated gasp.
"Yeah well, you don't swap spits with him everyday" Clarissa sniggered and the group made unsettling faces.
"I could!" Jesse said in the rush of proving that he was right and then immediately frowned, "This conversation is officially over" he said as Connor bust out laughing next to him.

The year was coming to an end and the petrifications  had increased but that didn't directly affect the group since Delilah was okay and so were the others. What did bother some of them, namely Percy, Oliver and Jesse, was the pathetic excuse for a teacher. Clarissa, Delilah and Connor practically swooned over him. He might be one of the worst teachers they'd had but unlike their other teachers, Atleast he was pretty to look at, it kept them engaged in class.
"I hate that guy!" Alexander rolled his eyes.
"He's pretty" Clarissa chimed in.
"I second that" Connor said, "his smile is just so..perfect"
"I'm starting to feel a little hurt, Con" Alexander scoffed.
"He's a different type of crush, don't worry Alex" Delilah told the poor boy.
"He can't even teach! How am I supposed to pass my exams?" Percy let out a frustrated sound.
"Well.." Delilah looked at the group, "ask him for his autograph and tell him you're a huge fan. Basically worship him and ask him for tips" She told all of them. Oliver looked at his girlfriend in horror.
"What?" She asked blankly, "How do you think I get away with homework?"
"You're evil!"

Spring had set in and it was a pretty sunny day in Hogwarts. Hogsmeade trips were cancelled and they had nothing to do on weekends, except homework but no one cared about that anymore. School had become much more strict and curfews has become shorter, so everyone enjoyed every bit of sun they could get.
Oliver and Delilah sat in the pitch soaking every ounce of heat, well Oliver did. Delilah despised the heat but sat there for her friends.
Clarissa and Alexander brought their brooms and flew above the two. Percy refused to come outside and so Jesse and Connor went to the common room to drag him out.
Quidditch was technically cancelled but that didn't mean they couldn't play amongst themselves.
There was one other Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory and Percy's brothers, Fred and George along with Penelope Clearwater who was waiting for Percy. Clarissa had invited her 'friend', Ava Clarkson from slytherin too. She was a sweet girl with brown hair and was pretty tall.
The Quidditch pitch was rather full considering the petrifications.
"Should we play a match?" Clarissa called out and Oliver stood up almost immediately, "yes!"

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