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If you saw me on the train
would you look the other way
Like strangers do?
If you saw me on the street
would you look down at your feet
and move on through?

Delilah held herself up with the support of the wall as she gasped for breath. The war was over, Harry had defeated Voldemort but everything else left behind was a mess.
She pointed her wand at her rib, awkwardly, and muttered a few spells to join the broken bones together but nothing worked. She didn't know when she broke it but it hurt like hell and she couldn't stand up on her own anymore.

Delilah tried to fix it but it didn't help much. She struggled to make her way through the crumbles of the castle, struggling walk.

Somewhere, mid way to the great hall, Delilah's eyes fell on her brother who came running at her and engulfed her in a tight hug, "Broken rib!" She shouted to make sure he didn't crush her to death. He immediately let her go and muttered an apology.
"I'm just glad you're alive"
"Me too, I'm so happy to see you okay. Things went down bad, Matt. Dad he got into me-"
"Why didn't you come to me?"
"I couldn't- he didn't give me much choice!" Delilah's eyes started to water as she spoke, "He came to me at the cup-I didn't want to kill anyone- I-He would've killed you and- I-" Her voice cracked as she tried to explain herself but the words refused to come to her.
"Hey..It's okay, you're okay" Matthew told her softly, "Nothing is going to happen to you or anyone now"
"I-I have this bloody mark and-" she frantically scratched her arm with her nails, desperate to get rid of it. Matthew grabbed her arm and pulled it away, "You're okay, it's okay. Let's just get your injuries out of the way and think clearly, okay?" Delilah looked at him and sighed with a nod.

Matthew took her to Madame Pomfrey who was swamped but she was one of the only people they could trust with these injuries. They sat in the great hall with quite a few others, waiting for their turn.
"I'm sorry Matt- every thing is messed up" Delilah said to him.
"We will fix it. None of this is your fault"
"It is-"
"This discussion is over" it was obvious to Delilah that Matthew as beyond stressed out. He ran his hands through his hair and his foot repeatedly tapped on the floor in anxiousness.

Madame pomfrey quickly fixed her rib and some other injuries which weren't as major as the rib.
"Don't put too much pressure on it, it's fragile and I have limited supplies" She instructed and Delilah thanked her.

In all this mess, it hadn't dawned upon Delilah, at least not until now, that she needed to talk to her friends. She owed them a proper apology, especially Oliver. She hadn't had the chance to explain herself before. She made her way through the great hall to find someone, anyone.
Her side was still pulsing in pain but there wasn't much she could do about it.

Delilah paused in her steps when she saw Oliver.
"I think I'll manage him, Neville" Oliver gave Neville a reassuring nod before scooping up the body of Collin Creevey, the poor sixteen year old, overly enthusiastic boy now lay lifeless in the arms of Oliver wood. His hand lost it's grip on his wand as Oliver took the boy into the great hall and placed him down next to some others.

Delilah wanted to go and talk to Oliver but she couldn't do it, she couldn't just walk up to him and fix everything. The girl stared at him for Merlin knows how long before turning on her heels and walking away from him.

Percy stood with his family in silence but passed Delilah a small smile and a nod for acknowledgement. She walked further to meet Jesse who was sitting there all alone with his face in his hands. Delilah silently walked up to him and sat down right beside him, "Jesse?"
He jerked up to see Delilah and let out an audible sigh, "you're okay"
"So are you" she pulled him into a comforting side hug, "where's Clare?" she asked. Jesse's face paled slightly, "she's-" for a second Delilah's heart stopped beating and her breath hitched.
"It's not her, it's her sister" Delilah felt the colour drain out of her face as she frantically looked around to find any signs of her friend. Her eyes fell on Matthew who was frozen in his spot.

Delilah walked up to Matthew and slipped her hand in his. She pulled her brother to where Clarissa sat next to the body of Cassidy, cold and still.
Clarissa sobbed into her hands, hiccuping ever few seconds. Delilah looked at a completely frozen Matthew. His whole world had been shattered like glass, every part of him spread over the floor and cutting through his feet.
The girl didn't know what to do, how to fix it, how to make it all okay. She had no power in her to bring her back, she had no will in her to talk to either one of them, she had not courage left in her to face it.
Matthew broke down to the floor and Delilah couldn't hold him up, she let the boy sink down to his knees as he lifted his hand to push a strand of hair from Cassidy's face. He wasn't ready to let go of anyone, he wasn't ready to face more death. He felt everything inside him shut down and stop responding to his own voices, cries and hurt.

To Delilah's relief, she hadn't lost any more people. Connor was injured badly, but he was alive.
Alexander was injured and not really talking to her but he was alive. Oliver was okay, Percy was fine, Jesse wasn't even hurt as much and Clarissa was broken but alive.

Delilah saw several lifeless bodies of people she knew, she cared for, and each step she took, she regretted her decisions with her whole being. She had been such a fool, such an idiot to do what her father had told her.

Knock on wood | Oliver Wood (COMPLETE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang