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I didn't expect this book book to end so quickly but it did and I'm still too emotionally attached to the characters so here is a bonus chapter! I don't know how many more I'll write but this is just for fun so 🤷‍♀️

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I didn't expect this book book to end so quickly but it did and I'm still too emotionally attached to the characters so here is a bonus chapter! I don't know how many more I'll write but this is just for fun so 🤷‍♀️

(IDC how many times I've used this gif, it's too perfect)

Puddlemere United versus Chudley Cannons. Oliver was there to win and nothing could stop him. Everyone gathered near the stadium an hour before the match. Much like the world cup, there were stalls full of snacks and merchandise of the teams, people were face-painting and just enjoying their time at the final regional match. 

Percy was rather excited about this match. He was planning on introducing his new girlfriend to the group and they were just as ecstatic. Jesse and Clarissa had called it quits a while before the war and had moved on from each other (except the few times they ended up snogging, but who counts that, right?). Connor and Alexander were both in a good place, friends and nothing more. 

When Percy walked in with his girlfriend, the group was eyeing her excitedly which may or may not have scared her a little bit. 
"This is Audrey Haynes, my girlfriend" Percy introduced nervously and she smiled at him brightly. 
"Hello! I'm Delilah," she shook hands with Audrey, "I'm Percy's ex-girlfriend" 
Percy choked on his own spit when he heard what Delilah said and Audrey looked rather confused. 
"That is a lie" He told Audrey. 
"Percy is right," Oliver came up, "I'm his ex, Oliver Wood"
"Shut up!" Percy told them, "don't listen to them Audrey, they are the worst"
"You love us, Perce" Delilah chuckled and turned to a very confused Audrey, "I am Delilah but I'm not his ex girlfriend and neither is Oliver. We're both Percy's friends" Delilah clarified, "that is Jesse, Clare, Alex and Connor" 
"Oh-um-hi?" Audrey waved at them unsurely. 
"You'll get used to it" Connor told her with a snigger. 

Audrey was in the same year as the others, a slytherin. She was a huge supporter of Puddlemere and got Oliver's approval rather quickly. Percy seemed to really like her and he got very defensive when the group messed around with her.  

They all spent time getting to know Audrey that they didn't even realize the one hour fly away. Percy was relieved that everyone liked her because he wasn't sure what he would do if they didn't. 
"I'm so glad you like her. I don't want to break up with her" He told them when Clarissa was showing her something else. Oliver, Alex, Delilah and Jesse looked at him all confused. 
"Why would you break up with her?"
"Well, It matters to what you think"
"You're being dramatic, plus if its someone who we don't like is Delilah's dumb boyfriend" Jesse told him, "He should be thrown out of here, bit of a tosser" 
"I'm standing right here!" Oliver rolled his eyes. 
"Oh hey Oliver, didn't see you there"

"Permission to run on to the pitch if you win?" Delilah asked Oliver as he got ready to go on to the pitch. 
"Yes, definitely"
"Permission to run to the pitch if you lose? We all know you're going to cry" 
"Yes, definitely" Oliver sighed nervously. 
"You know you won't lose right? you're amazing! Don't be so nervous"
"Me? Nervous?" He let out a not-so-convincing laugh. Delilah raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head, "It's not the end of the world if I lose, right?"
"Exactly!" She smiled. 
"Except it totally is"
"Shut up! You'll do great, I know it! I took divination in school"
"That doesn't make it any better" He rolled his eyes at her. 
"You'll be fine" She pecked him on the lips, "Good luck"

The match started with the crowd going wild and chills running down Oliver's spine. He felt goosebumps every time he flew in, with people cheering for him, with the rush of playing. He wouldn't want it any other way. 

The players took their positions and the match started. It was crazy as the chasers dodged bludgers and other players throwing it across the pitch and to the hoops. Oliver, with his newest broom, stopped the Quaffles with no effort. 

The game went on for over an hour before Puddlemere finally caught the snitch, gaining 150 points to their 50 as opposed to Chuudley Cannon's 60, winning the game. 
Oliver felt a rush inside of him as Delilah ran up to him from the bottom of the stands and pulled him into a hug, "you did it!"
"We did it!"He chuckled. Oliver felt everything inside of him turn into butterflies, his stomach flipping and his laughter echoing around the stadium. 

His eyebrows furrowed as the stadium went quiet at once, it was rather odd unless someone was making an announcement. He stood there in the dead centre of the pitch with Delilah grinning widely. She raised her wand and pointed it to her neck to amplify her voice and spoke up, "Oliver, you mean the world to me and through all these times, I couldn't get myself away from you. Even in fourth year, you wouldn't shut up about Quidditch and annoy me, it makes me wonder why you weren't a chaser," she chuckled, "But, then I realized how amazing you were and I completely fell for you. I love you Oliver, you really are a keeper." she reached into her pocket and took out a tiny golden snitch, "I want to marry you, it's a demand not a question" she extended her arm to him.

Oliver looked at Delilah dumbfounded, "I can't believe this" he laughed.
"what do you mean?" She asked worridly.
"Just wait here.." He mounted his broom.
"Are you saying no?" Oliver didn't answer that question as he zoomed into the sky and towards the stands. He went up to where Alexander was and talked to him about something, Delilah couldn't really tell. 

"If I wanted to say no," Oliver walked up to her and presented a small box to her, "I wouldn't be carrying this with me everywhere, waiting for the right time" Delilah's hand slapped her mouth as Oliver opened the box to show her the ring. It was a silver band with a yellow jewel in the middle and a wing on either side, it was a snitch. 
"No matter how much I love this," Delilah told him, "you ruined my proposal"
"We're going to get married either way," Oliver told her, "Let me do this properly" He got down on one knee, "Lilah Daisy Magnolia Lily Lavender Lilac Hibiscus Primrose Ivy Dahlia Violet Poppy Sunflower Marigold Bluebell Tulip Orchid Lotus Daffodil Rose," Oliver took a deep breath, "Will you marry me?"
"Did you actually memorize that?" Delilah asked in a surprised tone. 
"Yes, yes I did"
"I'm impressed" She chuckled.
"Okay seriously, my knee hurts, just say yes already!"
"Yes! yes. Yes! I will marry you!" Oliver slipped the ring onto her finger as the crowd cheered loudly around them. He pulled her into a kiss and Delilah never wanted to let go. 

"So now will you become Delilah Daisy Magnolia Lily Lavender Lilac Hibiscus Primrose Ivy Dahlia Violet Poppy Sunflower Marigold Bluebell Tulip Orchid Lotus Daffodil Rose-Wood?" Oliver asked and Delilah chuckled and shook her head, "How about Delilah Calla Rose"
"Calla? As in Calla Lily?" Oliver stifled a laugh.
"Well technically Calla means beautiful, but yes like Calla Lily"
"You're telling me, the one flower I miss out is your middle name?"He burst out laughing as Delilah nudged his shoulder, "this is why I never told you!"
"You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"
"I hate you, Wood"
"No you don't"

A/NDid I go through almost every chapters to find all the flower names i could? Yes, yes I did

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Did I go through almost every chapters to find all the flower names i could? Yes, yes I did. 
I'm like 90% sure that's all of them.

Lemme know what other stuff you'd like to read and I might write it!!
Also suggest good fanfics please!! (Oliver wood, Weasley twins or smthing)
Would you guys be interested in a Percy x Audrey story? I'm planning on writing that.

Ya'll, I am way too attached to this book..I can't let gooo!!!!
Also, I dyed my hair the Narcissa Malfoy way yesterday, it was an impulsive decision (and I also proceeded to have a freak out session after), but I love it so much!!!
Thank you so much to everyone who read this book, voted, commented or added it to your reading list. We hit 1.1K votes! that's way too much!!!!
Aisla Wrenn

Here's a prompt that never made the book but was too good not to put in. 
Oliver to Delilah:  You're the most beautiful thing in the room. 
Oliver: *spots his broom. Throws his broom out*
Oliver: Now, you're the most beautiful thing in this room. 
Delilah: Your Quiddtich case is right there. 
Oliver: Would you be offended if I throw it out?
Delilah: A little.

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