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Delilah didn't see Sirius black after that day

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Delilah didn't see Sirius black after that day. She often visited the forest but he was never there, a part of her wondered if she had imagined it all. 

She had been trying to do better in her classes and all her friends made sure she actually went to them, which was slightly annoying, but they meant well. Defense against the dark arts was weird when Snape taught it. He knew his stuff but he had something against everyone.
He taught them about Banshees and it wasn't a pleasant class.

The next Quidditch match was between Ravenclaw and Slytherin and Oliver forced his team to go and watch it for strategies. He spent his time noting the weaknesses of Slytherin. Ravenclaw was going to lose and it was obvious from the start. They barely scored and Slytherin was doing better than ever. This also slightly worried Oliver because he didn't want to lose to Slytherin in the end.

Delilah sat in her dorm working on her Potions homework which she had to do extra of thanks to Snape. Her mind refused to give her the answers she needed and she was too lazy to open a book and read through it.

An owl tapped on her window and she internally thanked the person who had owled her at this time. It was a letter from her brother and she excitedly opened it.

Dear Lil,
I did it! I made the Ireland team! I'm going to play in the world cup!!"
I didn't try out for the English team because lets face it, they lose every year.
I am so excited!! I can't believe I actually made it!
Training starts tomorrow.
This also means I am moving out of London. We only have so much time and so I will only be home for Christmas eve and Christmas day.
I know it's a sour victory but I'm happy and I hope you are too

Delilah was beyond happy, her own brother was playing in the world cup. She was proud of him and immediately wrote back.

It was a few days before Christmas break and Delilah was supposed to take her apparation test. She left for Hogsmeade early and was hoping to get it right. It was nerve wrecking with the ministry officials looking at you like you could never do it. She hadn't been very good during the classes but she had gotten the hang of it.

She stood in her assigned spot and listened to the instructions carefully. This was her way to freedom, she could do anything and go anywhere after this.

Lucky for Delilah, she apparated to the correct spot in her first go. Two more times and she can legally apparate anywhere.

Oliver waited for Delilah near the pitch after the match as she rant towards him in excitement with a large grin on her face, "I passed!" She excitedly.
"That's great!"
"I honestly didn't think this would happen"

Christmas break arrived rather fast. Everyone was going home for the break and the train was full as usual and they all sat in the same compartment.
"I can't believe half the year is over already" Clarissa thought out loud.
"We sure are making the best of it" Alexander rolled his eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jesse asked.
"We haven't had any fun, done anything stupid, nothing to remember this year by" He explained, "We should do like an ultimate prank in school or something, before it ends"
"I think that's a great idea" Oliver smirked, "Make our mark before we leave"
"We have to plan something" Delilah added.
"I don't know..that doesn't seem like a good idea" Percy said.
"I agree with him, we'll get days of detention"Connor said, things were still tense between him and Alexander, and they kept going back and forth at it.
"So? It will be fun!" Jesse told them.

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