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You only realize the value of it when it's missing

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You only realize the value of it 
when it's missing

Oliver had been ignoring everyone since the past few days. He gave one word answers only if specifically asked and didn't even bother talking to his roommates. 

Instead, he focused on something he loved, Qudditch. It was the first Saturday of the school year and Oliver had a strategy and practice plan devised over the summer.
He walked with his team towards the Quidditch pitch while explaining his plan of winning the cup this year.
"We will have much more practices now. Morning and after school, at least three times a week, sometimes four" His fast paced walk slowed down when he saw Marcus Flint and the rest of the Slytherin team in their Quidditch clothes, ready for practice.
"I don't believe this!" Oliver whined, "What do you think you're doing Flint!?"
"Quidditch practice!" Flint replied with confidence.
"I've got the pitch booked for the Gryffindor team"
"Relax Wood, I've got a note" Marcus Flint handed a parchment to Oliver who read through it.

I professor Severus Snape do hereby give the Slytherin team permission topractice today owing to the need to train their near seeker.

"New seeker?" Oliver raised his eyebrows at the boy and he stepped aside.
"Malfoy?" Harry asked in disbelief.
"That's right!" Draco Malfoy gave a smug smile to Harry, "That's not all what's new" He brought everyone's attention to his broomstick.
Oliver felt his heart flutter when he saw a nimbus 2001.
"That's a Nimbus 2001!" Ron exclaimed. Oliver didn't even notice when Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger arrived but he was too busy devouring the new brooms with his eyes.
"A gift from Draco's father" Flint flaunted.
"you see Weasley unlike some my father can afford the best" Malfoy boasted more.
"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," Hermione spoke up and Oliver was ready to back her up, "We've got our own pure talent"
Damn right they did. Oliver felt proud listening to what the younger witch had said but it didn't last very long. Malfoy called her a 'mudblood' and Ron tried to curse him. Poor Ron's wand backfired before Oliver even got a chance to think.
Fred and George made their way to Ron as did Hermione and Harry.
"Flint! Make sure your seeker doesn't mess with my team!" Oliver said in anger, "or his friends!"
Ron puked another slug. Harry and Hermione stood up and took him to Hagrid as the rest of the team groaned at the site of the slug.
"Now Wood, we'll be going an practicing" Marcus taunted and Wood was starting to lose it completely.
The team started to scatter away.

Oliver made his way towards the castle, steam coming out of him in anger. Frustration built up and without thinking Oliver took his broomstick and threw it on the ground. He stepped forward and kicked it hard, again and again and into the stone wall.
The old broom couldn't take much and it snapped in half. Oliver looked at the broom in horror.
He messed up.
"Oliver!" The boy looked up and behind him to meet the same ocean blue eyes that had told him off a few days ago, "Oliver I- I'm-"
"Not now, Rose" Oliver cut her off.
"I wasn't thinking-" Delilah gave him a pleading look but Oliver was frustrated.
"-Exactly! You don't think! You just fuck things up, let your anger get the best of you! Oh look I'm Delilah Rose! My parents are famous and rich but I don't like to accept it coz I want to come across as modest! I have a huge inferiority complex and I pretend to hate something I love and hate on the people associated with it! In fact I'm exactly like my parents but my ego comes in the way of it!" Delilah's bottom lip trembled as Oliver let out a big sigh.
"I came here to apologize!"Delilah told him but Oliver gave one last kick to his broken broom before storming off.

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