Part III: Prologue

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Chapter 48

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Chapter 48.

Oliver Wood was married to his work, that's all he did all day and all night. He didn't care what happened to Delilah or where she was, or so he told himself in the start. 

Oliver didn't wonder why she did it, where she was or if she was even alive anymore. He didn't care. He had better things to care for. He told himself this everyday and failed to go through with it everyday. The truth was, Oliver always wondered what he would do if he ever saw her again, would he talk to her? Would she even acknowledge him? 

The war was waving over their heads and the wizarding world was getting more and more unsafe. Delilah wasn't herself, she didn't know who she was, but she wasn't herself. She hadn't had any contact with her friends or family in the last year. She was too scared to admit it to them, to show them the mark on her arm, the deeds she had done and the path the was forced to go through. 

She hoped that this was all a dream, every night she went to bed. But the mornings only made the the truth more real. 

Every time Delilah stared into the quivering eyes of the ones who stood at the other end of her wand, she felt a small part of herself return, but that voice had slowly become a fading echo. 

The girl had tortured too many to go back anymore, she had been there in the ministry to retrieve the prophecy. She had looked at Sirius right in the eyes as he told her that she had to choice to choose between herself and her father. That was the voice in her head, it was Sirius. He knew her more than she knew herself at that point. She had listened to him, she had agreed to go back with him and betray the death eaters. He had given her a glimmer of hope, but that was snatched away too when he feel through that veil. 

She had been there at Hogwarts when Draco had to kill Dumbledore, she had seen the way he was shaking but she didn't give him that hope Sirius had given her. She was there when Remus Lupin, Professor Lupin was being stunned by another death eater, but she didn't stop it. 
She was there when Dumbledore told Draco that he was no murderer, that he didn't want to this. She was there when Snape said those two words. 

She had been there attacking the members of the order when they were transporting him to a safe house. She attacked Remus Lupin, she attacked one of the Weasley twins. She was there through it all.She had been there attacking the members of the order when they were transporting him to a safe house. She attacked Remus Lupin, she attacked one of the Weasley twins. She was there through it all.

She had been there and seen so many muggleborns being tortured. She had been there at Malfoy Manor listening to Hermione Granger's screams and Bellatrix's laughs. She had done nothing about it. 

She followed her father's footsteps, one thing she vowed to never do. She cut any connection with her brother off, something she completely tore him down for doing a few years ago. She hadn't seen Clarissa, Alexander, Connor or Jesse in two years. 

Delilah did see Percy at the ministry, he had looked right back at her in complete shock. But, that was the only time they truly acknowledged each other, never after that. 
It was times like these, times when Delilah saw someone she truly cared for at some point, when she felt her old self come back to her, but she was in too deep now. 

Oliver had gone into hiding with his parents. He didn't want anything to happen to his family, considering the fact that Mr. Wood was a muggle. It was only right to stay away from all danger, rather than fight it and risk losing what they were fighting for. 

It wasn't that he didn't fight at first. Death eaters had completely bombarded their house and fighting back was difficult. The ministry had searched for any signs for Harry or his friends. Oliver was well known in the Quidditch community and it was also well known that he greatly supported Harry and members of the order. Percy and his acquaintanceship put him in a little more risk than he was supposed to be. 

Oliver hadn't had much contact with any of his friends but he did meet Lee Jordan for an episode of potterwatch for an interview. Lee had also announced the names of the missing and it relieved Oliver that none of his friends, even Delilah, were a part of that list. 
"Do you reckon you could find out if she's okay?" Oliver asked Lee. 
"I'll find out what I can and contact you" Lee patted his back.

Oliver was completely fine ignoring the raven haired girl for a long time, but with the war knocking on their doors, he couldn't help but worry. No matter what had happened, no matter how it went down, deep down Oliver still cared. 

The only person Oliver had seen since Dumbledore's death was Connor. He had been a great help when it came to finding a place for hiding. And, as the only person who Oliver had truly met, Connor was also his secret keeper. 

Delilah spent countless days in Hogwarts along with other death eaters. It wasn't something she wanted to do, but she didn't have the choice. She was coping somehow but she really lost her shit when a death eater said something about Minerva McGonagall. She could handle anything but disrespect for that woman. Delilah ended up hexing that boy and almost got in trouble for it.

Minerva McGongall had never, in a million years, thought that Delilah would've turned to the dark side. Yes, she was prone to violence and hexing people but for the right reasons and for what she believed in. She knew for a fact that Delilah didn't believe in Voldemort's reign and she would've never done this by choice. 

"I know you don't want to do this" She told Delilah, discreetly, trying not to catch the attention of other death eaters paroling around. 
"I- you don't know me" Delilah replied bitterly. 
"That's where you're wrong, Delilah. I do know you"
"Well, there's nothing you can do about it then"
"I can't but you can, make this right" That hope that Sirius had once given her was back, it was a small glimmer, but it was there. 
"I can't, I'm in too deep"
"I know you can" Could she?

During her time paroling Hogwarts, Delilah had never once raised her wand at a student. She couldn't bring herself to do that. But she froze, every time she saw Seamus Finnigan fighting back, Neville Longbottom suffering, Ginny Weasley standing up for what was right and so many others standing in front of the death eaters staring back in fury, ready for what was coming. 

Oliver was in hiding for most of his time but he had kept his contact with Lee, he wanted to help, contribute in anyway he could. So, he helped Lee find more information on the missing people. It was difficult, but he did it. That is how Oliver Wood found out about Delilah being a death eater. 

Nothing made sense to him. What happened? why would she do it? He tried to find more and more about her and the deeper he dug the more confused he became. Artemis Rose, her father had been a death eater in the first wizarding war. Did she know that? The one rule Delilah lived by was not to be her parents, when it came to anything. Why was she a death eater then? Was that why she broke it off with him? Did Matthew know? was Matthew one too? 

A part of him was in denial for a long time. She would never do that. Oliver knew Delilah inside and out and she would never become a death eater, right?
Another part of him was almost angry or disappointed. How could she do that? Out of all the things she could've done wrong, Delilah had chosen the worst option. 

And after all the stages of shock, it had dawned over Oliver that maybe it was possible. She had had a horrible life, her mother had been murdered, her father had gone to Azkaban, she was left to her other family she didn't want to meet or know, she had to face James Brown, the worst guy Oliver had met, she had so much going on. Maybe it was possible. But, was he wrong to think that? was he wrong to think that she could actually stoop down to that level?

Delilah felt herself sailing away from herself and she didn't have an anchor to stop, but after her talks with McGonagall, she had learned that she didn't need an anchor, she just needed to turn around and sail the other way. 

When Harry returned to Hogwarts, and Delilah felt her dark mark sting, she knew it was time for war and that she had to choose her side now. She had to make it right, fight for this school, find herself and protect the ones she loved. 

Thank you so much for reading this book! 
I can't believe so many people are reading it and I can't believe we came this far!!!
Short chapter..coz I'm hella busy but I love writing and I can't sort my priorities XD

Also I should've said this earlier, but I'll just put it in now

I hope you liked this chapter!
Aisla Wrenn

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