Chapter 1

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Today is the first day of the filming of the second movie for the After Series. It will be called "After We Collided" just like the second book of the series.

I'm excited to see the whole cast again. We have some newcomers that are joining too. Dylan Sprouse and Candice King! They are excited to work with everyone.

I'm most excited to see Hero. I haven't seen him for a long time, it has been one year. We occasionally would text but that was about it. It's like we had a bonding connection when we were doing the tour of the first movie last year, we used to laugh, have some wonderful time together and travel around the world. I shouldn't think too much of it, but it makes me think how our relationship will be when we see each other today.

I'm trying my best to not show Hero how badly I want him, since that night, but it's hard.

I walk on the set, taking off my sunglasses and I throw them in my handbag.

I'm walking to the meeting area when I'm tackled to the ground.

"Shane what are you doing" I laugh as he helps me to get up.

"I'm so happy to see you back" he says.

"I know, I'm so happy to be back. We're going to make the most incredible memories this year. I know it" I say wrapping my arm around his as we walk towards the meeting area where the rest of the cast will be.

Shane opens the door for me, and the room erupts with cheer.

"Jo" everyone says excitedly.

"Hi everyone" I say with a light chuckle.

"There is our Tessa" Anna says coming to me and embracing me in her biggest hug. I hugged her back with so much love. How I missed her. "I missed you" I say, and she responds, "I missed you too".

"That's enough. I think it's my turn" Hero says behind her and I look up to him with a big smile. I am so happy to see Hero back after a long time.

" How's it been" he says embracing me in a hug. I love Anna's but his are 20 times better.

"Good. We must catch up with whatever it takes" I say.

"For sure" he says before getting pulled by Sam and Inna.

"Everyone quiet down. It's time to meet our director, Roger Kumble and our new cast members Candice King and Dylan Sprouse" Anna says silencing everyone. She's such a good mum for the group.

"It was the whole thing" Hero says teasing me as we walk down to the set.

"Hero stop" I say playfully pushing him.

He stops walking and looks at me.

"What" I giggle.

"This hair is bothering me" he whispers, pushing a strand of my hair out of my face and putting it behind my ear.

"Hero" I whisper. 

"All better now" he says, and we continue to walk to the filming set.

"There's our two lovers," Roger, the new director says with excitement.

He's a cool guy from what I've seen so far. Looks like he will be right with our dysfunctional, but what an amazing group.

Today we're doing a quick scene. Nothing extravagant. It's one of the Seattle scenes, it doesn't involve any kissing today. Anna said that it would be tomorrow.

"Can I just say that I am so excited to film this movie with the two of you. You did an amazing job in the first movie. Both of your acting skills are incredible. We are going to take the first movie and bump it up twenty times on all the sexiness. Sounds good" Roger tells us and I giggle.

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