Chapter 15

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"I'm Josephine Langford" I say.

"And I'm Hero Fiennes Tiffin" Hero says.

"And we're here to answer some of your fan questions" I say.

A year has passed, and we finished filming After We Collided. It's now ready for the big screen so we have a whole bunch of promo tours to do.

When Hero and I first started filming together after our huge break up, we were distant. We did our scene, but we didn't speak to each other at all. Things were weird on set, and everyone could sense it.

When things got back to normal with one another, we started on a friendly basis but it's not like we used to be.

"The first fan question is to know how you are feeling?" our interviewer asks.

I turn to Hero and let him answer first.

"Pretty good, I'm happy to be in the states. I always like being here" Hero says.

"I'm also doing great" I simply say.

"What was your favorite scene to film and why" she asks.

"I've seen fans go crazy on social media over this scene from the trailer, but I personally enjoyed the shower scene. I mean who doesn't want to film in a shower for hours? I found that cool' I say and Hero chuckles.

"Are you sure it didn't have anything to do with what we were doing in the shower" he says, and I look at him and burst into laughter.

"Just ignore him" I say, and the interviewer can't stop laughing.

"Hero" the interviewer asks, bringing our attention back to her.

"My favorite scene would be the..." Hero says and repeats the secret scene in my ear.

"I liked this one too" I whisper to him.

"Sorry, you will have to wait for the movie to come out for that one" Hero says and the room fills with laughter again.

"Next question: Is Herophine is still a thing" the interviewer asks.

"No, Herophine is not a thing, but we are very good friends" I answer and look over to Hero who is nodding.

"Final question, how was it working with a new director" she asks.

"Roger is amazing, he had such a passion for Anna's story, and he did a great job to bring it to life" Hero answers.

"Okay, thanks guys" the interviewer says, and we close out the interview telling everyone to check out our new movie After We Collided.

Our mics are taken off us and our day is over. More interviews and press are about to come tomorrow.

"I love the two of you so much, would be okay to get a picture" our interviewer asks, and we nod.

"Of course," I say, and we pose for a selfie.

Hero wraps his arms around my waist as we huddle close for the picture.

His touch always sends butterflies to my stomach, but I can only ignore them. Hero and I aren't a thing anymore, we can't be a thing anymore. I don't want to get hurt again.

Have I seen or been with anyone else? No, but that time will come.

Has Hero? He said no, but can I believe him?

Dakota our manager congratulates us on getting along because it wasn't always like that back then, but we improved.

"You two are free for the rest of the day. I will see both of you early tomorrow" she says and we're free to go our separate ways.

She bids us a goodbye and she gets distracted by a phone call. She's always talking to someone, it's her job, I guess.

"Do you have any plans tonight" Hero asks as we get into the car that was waiting for us to take us back to the hotel.

"Probably just stay in and read. Pop a bottle of wine, enjoy a bath. I don't know" I tell him.

"Can I join you" he asks.

"In my bath?" I teased him with a laugh.

"I mean sure that works" he says and turns to him, and I give him a smile.

"Sure Hero, we can hang out" I say.

"We can watch movies and talk for hours, just like the old times" he says.

"And we can order food from our favorite place" I say excitedly.

"It's a date then" Hero says and I look at him with a stern look.

"We're just friends remember" I say.

"You are, I'm not" he says, and I roll my eyes playfully and look out the window.

A few minutes later

"Inanna had her baby" I say looking down at the message on my phone and I sit with Hero on my hotel couch.

"I just got this text too, that's so exciting. I'm happy for her" Hero says.

I sent her a quick message and I told her how excited I was to meet the little one.

I place my food on the coffee table, and I move closer to Hero so I can show him the picture.

"Kathrine got this for the baby, isn't that cute" I say showing him a onesie that my sister bought for our baby before I miscarried.

"She got that for Inanna's baby" he asks confused.

"I meant for our baby, she sent me a picture of this the other day, she forgot she had it. I wanted to show you" I say.

"Sorry but that is a cute onesie. I could never see Inanna's baby wearing something like this" he says, and I nod in agreement.

"It is very colorful isn't it" I say with a small giggle.

"We'll have to save it for your next baby" he says.

"I don't know if I want to have kids" I say.

"Now or ever" he asks.

"Ever" I say gently.

"What happened to us, it kind of scared me and I wouldn't go through that again" I add, and he nods.

"Well, I think you shouldn't give up. You would make an excellent mother" he says holding his hand on top of mine and my stomach is doing back flips.

It's the fact that I haven't been kissed for a long time or I'm melting at his words, or I really want Hero back but instead I kiss him.

I kiss him nice and long. To my surprise, he doesn't pull away. He gladly accepts my lips on his and he kisses me back with much more force.

I lay down on the couch and he quickly comes to me, never allowing our lips to leave one another.

My hands run under his shirt, and I roll all over his body.

My hands continue to have a mind of their own, they start unbuttoning his pants.

He begins unbuttoning my blouse and I run my fingers thought his hair as he starts kissing my neck.

"We should stop" he whispers not so convincingly as he continues to kiss down my body.

"I know we should" I say out of breath as he lifts off his shirt and we continue to kiss.

He scoops me in his arms and takes us to the hotel bed.

I quickly slip off my pants and strip from my clothes as he does the same thing.

I lay on the bed and watch as he leans over and kisses me again.

"This is only a one-time thing" I say as he reaches for a condom.

"I'm okay with that" he says, and I giggle quickly bringing his face back down to mine as we passionately kiss.

Once he's inside me, I can't stop moaning. I've been holding this in for a long time.

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