2| Juice box

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Chapter 2: Juice box (Nathan's POV)

I just got out of gym class and was heading to the cafeteria for lunch with Brandon. 

"You've seen the new girl, haven't you?" one of the guys from our class asked another while walking past us. 

"Do people in this school have absolutely nothing else to talk about? There's a new girl, big deal," I rolled my eyes. 

"We don't get new students that often, let the people obsess. Nathan, don't get offended, but doesn't she look a little like Chlo-" 

"No," I halted in my steps, turning to him, "She looks nothing like her." 

"Okay," he said, putting his hands up in surrender. I sighed, turning to the cafeteria doors which we walked through. We got in the lunch line, got the food which, surprisingly, our school has pretty good food. "Are we eating out back again?" Brandon asked. 

"I don't care, if you want," I shrugged. 

"Let's just go, all you're gonna hear in here is 'did you see the new girl?'" he rolled his eyes. 

I turned around to head for the exit but crashed right into someone. 

"Please tell me this is a joke." I looked up and saw, low and behold, the new girl. 

"That might stain," Brandon spoke up. Both of us looked down at the juice box that she spilled. 

I kind of spilled it when we crashed. 

Point it, the juice box knocked over and spilled. All over her. 

She sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "You know, it's funny. I was just talking about what an asshole you are," she said while setting her tray down on the nearest table and grabbing the tissues out of my tray, wiping her shirt. 

"What an asshole I am?" I scoffed, "I haven't said one word to you." 

"Oh, please," she rolled her eyes, "All you've done is smirk and get on my nerves." 

"Emma, just... Come on, I have a spare shirt in my gym locker, I'll give it to you," Kendall said, nudging Emma's shoulder. I know Kendall because Brandon knows her. They've had a fling in the past, it didn't last. 

"No," Emma turned to me, "He spilled the juice box over me, he should be the one giving me a spare shirt." 

"I didn't spill the juice box over you, you spilled it over yourself," I retorted. 

"You bumped into me!" she exclaimed. 

"You clearly weren't looking where you were headed either," I argued. 

"Emma, let's just go. Don't talk to him," Kendall said, grabbing Emma's arm. 

"Look, I don't care if people here are scared of him, or don't like him, or are obsessed with him. I really don't care. Point is, he spilled juice over me and now he owes me a shirt because like," she paused, "It's Brandon, right?" 

"Right," Brandon replied. 

"Like Brandon here said, this will stain," she huffed. 

"Emma, let's go," Kendall groaned. 

"No, he'll give me a shirt first," she said, standing her ground. 

"I don't carry around spare shirts, sorry," I shrugged. 

"Don't you have your soccer jersey in your locker?" Brandon frowned in confusion. 

I glared at him, turning back to her. "Look, I don't..." I trailed off, noticing that her white shirt had started becoming see-through at this point. "Jesus, fine. Just follow me," I said, throwing my tray onto the table before leaving the cafeteria, noticing all eyes on us. "Is there a show going on?" I asked. 

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