10| Impression

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Chapter 10: Impression (Nathan's POV)

"She is one stubborn fucking girl, man, it's annoying," I said while walking to class with Brandon. 

"I think it's nice for a change. She's challenging you," he shrugged. 

I shot daggers at him, "As if you don't do that enough." 

He chuckled, "If I did it enough, you wouldn't still be like this, Nathan. You'd be a little closer to how you used to be before the crash," he said, his voice lowering as we met the crowd. "Have fun in psychology," he smirked before walking past my classroom. 

I sighed, walking in there and taking the seat beside hers yet again. You know how where you sit at the start of the year determines where you'll be sitting throughout it? Exactly like that, everyone is settled in by now, this is our second week of school and nobody is willing to give up their seats now. Emma claimed hers and I claimed the one beside her, so now, this is my seat. 

We were sitting in a very awkward silence while people settled into their seats around us as we completely ignored each other. "I'm sorry," she said after a minute of silence. 

I turned to her, waiting for her to continue. I'm pettier than that, she better have more to say. 

"I shouldn't have taken your cigarettes like that, not only is it none of my business but... it could be serious, so, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," she said, sliding the box back over to me. 

I eyed her, then the box then slid the box back over to her. "It's fine." 

"These are yours," she chuckled, handing it to me. 

"I have more, you can keep those. That's not an invitation to smoke, just... you can keep the box. It's nearly empty anyway," I shrugged. 

"There's about 5 more in here," she reasoned. 

"Just keep it," I repeated. 

She shrugged and then slipped it into her backpack while Mr. Joshua walked in. "Okay, okay, okay, listen up," he clapped, "How many of my students here are in relationships? With somebody in this class please," he asked. A few students put their hands up, not too many. "I need 4 volunteers. Two of them, in a relationship, with each other of course, two that aren't," he said. "Uh, Bella and Oscar, come up quick," he said. 

The two stood up and went to the front of the class. Nobody has a clue as to what's going on. 

"Do you like each other? Love each other? Sorry, if this is invasive, it's for science," he said, leaning against his desk. 

"Um," Bella chuckled awkwardly. 

"How long have you been together?" he asked. 

"2 years," Oscar answered. 

"Would you say you love each other?" he asked. They both nodded. "Okay, two more people. A boy and a girl, quickly, come on," he said. Nobody volunteered. He groaned, "Emma and Nathan, come on." 

"This is what I get for answering in his class?" she mumbled while standing up. I stood up with her and we walked to the front. 

"How do you know each other?" he asked us. 

She turned to me expectantly. "We're friends," I shrugged. People looked at us wide-eyed, whispered some stuff. It makes sense because I never call anybody a friend except for Brandon. 

"Okay, you're friends... no uh, no romantic feelings there?" 

"No," we said quickly in unison. We looked at each other then looked at Mr. Joshua weirdly. What the hell is he doing? 

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