32| Carolina

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Chapter 32: Carolina (Nathan's POV)

"Why doesn't he just get his own board?" Charlie asked as I skated around the ramp and he sat with Emma and Carolina. His girlfriend. The boy did it. 

Nobody answered him. 

"How is he so good at skating?" Carolina asked. As fun as it is skating around a 4-foot ramp, it's a little boring when I have to do it by myself. Carolina has a skateboard. Charlie's teaching her how to skate. That's how he asked her out, or so the story goes. But she's still a little hesitant in going all the way on the ramp. 

And Emma? She's more hesitant than the 15-year-old. 

"He's okay," Charlie shrugged. Emma let out a laugh while looking at me. 

"He's better than you," Carolina retorted. 

"I doubt that," Emma cut in. I stared at her, acting offended. 

"Give me your board," Charlie stood up. Carolina handed it to him and he stood up and stood beside me, where I stopped on top of the ramp. 

"What are we doing?" I asked, raising my brows at him. 

"Nothing. I just wanted to skate," he shrugged, going up and down the ramp. 

I shook my head and skated with him for a while, seeing that Emma was chatting with Carolina. "How did you ask her out?" I asked him. Just out of curiosity, the last time I saw him single, he seemed like the kid that flirted with his babysitter. 

"I just asked her out to ice cream. Then while we were eating ice cream, I asked her if she'll be my girlfriend." 

"Just like that?" I chuckled. 

"Yeah," he shrugged. "And she said yes." 

"You've probably liked her a while then," I nodded. 

"I guess. A couple of months. But she never liked me. She does now because I took her out. Something about the little things being important," he explained. 

"The little things are important, keep that in mind," I replied. 

"You're one to talk," he scoffed. 

"Excuse me?" 

He hesitated to say the next words, but he did anyway. "You've been hanging around with her since she came into town, haven't you? She's the new girl?" 

"Yeah," I said slowly. 

"You've probably liked her since... like her first week here?" Silence. "But look at you, you haven't asked her out but oh, 'the little things matter.'" He rolled his eyes. 

"I haven't asked her out on a date but that doesn't mean we're not going out," I replied. 

"Point being, you're not her boyfriend." 


He raised his brows at me questioningly. "Oh," he nodded, "You've kissed her, haven't you?" he taunted. 

"I'm not discussing my love life with a 15-year-old." 

"Oh, so it's a love life now," he laughed. I rolled my eyes, smacking the back of his head before pushing myself off the board and skating ahead of him. "You're in love with her," he teased, skating beside me. 

"I'm not in love with her," I denied. 

"But you have feelings for her?" I didn't answer him and kept skating. "Why don't you just ask her out?" 

"I need a good first-date idea. Ice cream doesn't count," I smirked. 

"It does, but okay. I'll help you out," he chuckled, "Take her on a picnic," he shrugged. 

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