22| Flirt

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Chapter 22: Flirt (Nathan's POV)

I looked at her while skating. She's sitting here having ice cream with a 15-year-old, talking about his love life, giving him advice. What planet is she from? 

"How long do you think he'll keep my board for?" he asked. 

She looked at me. "I think it'll be a while," she chuckled. He groaned, putting his head on her shoulder. She put hers on top and watched me with him. I laughed, shaking my head and coming to a halt. 

"Oh, are you done?" the boy shot up.

"No, it's her turn," I said. 

"That's fine then," he shrugged, sitting back down. 

"I don't know how to skate," she laughed. 

"He'll teach you," the kid nodded. 

"Charlie," she said warningly. 

"Go, go," he sang. 

She threw her popsicle stick in the nearest trash before walking over to me, dusting her jeans. "Teach me your ways," she sighed. 

"Stand on, facing me," I said. She followed, clearing her throat and shaking the nerves out of her hands. "Why are you so nervous?" I chuckled. 

"I'm scared, what if I fall and break my neck?" she looked at me wide-eyed. 

"The ramp is like... not that tall," Charlie said. 

"It's about 3 feet," I chuckled, extending my hands. She grabbed on but didn't push off the board. "You gotta move the board." 



"No." I pulled her with me and she squealed, grabbing onto me tighter as the board went higher, and higher, and... then she jumped off. "I was gonna fall!" she smacked my chest. 

"No, you weren't, just put your weight on the lower end but balance it out," I said. I forced her back on and then we tried the other way. I see-sawed with her over the ramp a couple of times, then let her go in the middle. 

"Come back, come back, come back," she said, sticking her arms out to grab onto me. 

"You're such a girl," Charlie snorted. 

"I am a girl!" she exclaimed, grabbing onto my shirt and stopping herself in the middle as she came back down from the top right. "Try not doing that," she said, glaring at me. 

"Then try on your own," I said, pulling her hands off my shirt. 

"I'm gonna fall." 

"Quit saying that," I said. I pulled her up to one end, then the other, and once she picked up speed and momentum, I let her go. 

It eventually came back to a stop in the middle and she grinned. "I did it!" 

"Congratulations, you climbed Mount Everest," Charlie said sarcastically. 

"Do you want my number or not?" she snapped. He cut out the sarcastic comments after that. "Are we done? I think roller skates are more my thing," she said, looking down at me. 

"Go one time on your own," I nodded, stepping back. 

"No," she whined. I nodded again and she hesitantly kicked off the board, and she did it just fine. "Oh, that wasn't that bad," she said, looking down at her feet. 

"Can I get my board back? I have to go home," Charlie sighed. She hopped off, handing his board back to him. 

"Thanks," I nodded. 

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