9| Contest

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Chapter 9: Contest (Emma's POV)

"Uh, okay. If you're done eye raping me now," he cleared his throat. I snapped out of it and looked up at him, hoping my blush wasn't as evident as it felt. But wow does he look hot. 

"Um," I cleared my throat, "Mr. Cole came into my math class, he's looking for volunteers to help organize and take part in the creative writing contest, the one with the 500-word story," I explained. 

"Okay and?" he asked. 

I rolled my eyes, "Mr. Cole wants both of us to take part. Together." 

"What?" he scoffed, "Why?" 

I shrugged. I don't really know the answer to that, "He thinks we work well as a team. You right narrative really well, I get the descriptive thing a little better," I explained. 

"What does this story have to be about?" he questioned. 

"Anything, just 500 words and fictional, of course," I mumbled, "I just came to ask if you wanna do it, I have to tell him by lunch." He fell silent, contemplating it. "It's 500 words, we'll finish it within like," I shrugged, "An hour at max, brainstorming and everything included, it's really easy and it goes towards our grade if we participate. And anyway, there's no actual performance shit, they'll just tell us if we won or not." 

"Who's the judge?" 

"All the English teachers, Mr. Cole, and the principal," I answered. 

"When is this due?" he questioned. 

"By next Friday." 

He sighed, shrugging, "Fine." 

"Can we do it this weekend though? I have to catch up a little in some classes too," I said. 

"Fine," he repeated, turning around to join the class that was running. 

"Uh, at a cafe or at someone's house?" I called out, causing him to turn back around and come to me. All the guys running glanced at us while going by. 

"Wherever is more convenient, can I get back?" he sighed. 

"You actually like running around like this?" I asked while turning to leave. 

"No, but it's what we do, thank you, buh-bye," he said, rolling his eyes at me. 

"You're so mean," I mumbled. 

"Bye, Emma," he huffed, running up to Brandon. 

"Bye," I said more to myself while walking back. 

"Emma!" I turned back around, seeing Brandon waving at me. I smiled, waving back before leaving. I'm kind of lucky my math teacher, Mrs. Shelton doesn't really care that much, which is why she let me leave in the middle of class for this creative writing thing. 

I got back inside the classroom and took my seat. "What are we doing?" I asked, turning to him. 

Oh yeah, I've got Liam in this class. "Page 98," he answered with a smile. 

"Thanks," I replied, opening the page and grabbing my calculator. I may not need a thesaurus for writing, but I definitely need a calculator for math because it is so not my cup of tea. I stared down at the questions, "What language is this?" I asked myself. 

"It's really easy," he chuckled, "Can I help?" 

"Please," I smiled, sliding my paper over to him. He explained the first two questions to me very kindly and I kind of understood. "By the way, Liam, I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday in Psychology class, I..." I trailed off. 

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