35| Begging

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Chapter 35: Begging (Emma's POV)

"Please, Mr. Hemmings!" 

I watched, hiding between the shelves. Nathan wanted me here for support but when I saw Mr. Hemmings, I pretended to just be a customer looking around and went and hid. Mr. Hemmings, as it turns out, is not easy to persuade. "I'm not even looking for an employee!" Mr. Hemmings gruffed, petting Mia who sat by his legs. 

"But I need a job, Mr. Hemmings, please," Nathan groaned, resting his arms on the table. 

Mr. Hemmings shot him a glare and he pulled his arms down. Mr. Hemmings snapped his eyes to my direction and I looked down at the book in my hands, pretending to be invested in the book. "Your girlfriend is very horrible at playing dumb," he said. I covered my face with the book, stifling a smile. 

"Tell me about it," Nathan scoffed. 

I put the book back on the shelf and went up to the front. "Mr. Hemmings, he's only asking for a job. You'll get help around here, come on, please?" I grinned at him. 

"And why him? Why isn't the one kid I have around here enough?" he asked. 

"The more the merrier?" I said but it came out like a question. 

"You," he said, glaring at me, "Get back there." 

"But Mr. Hemmings-" 


I huffed, walking away, shooting Nathan an apologetic look. "There is a huge stick up that old man's ass," I said to myself while walking further into the shelf, looking for something to read. 

"Tell me about it." I got startled and jumped, looking as Liam rounded the corner. "Hey," he chuckled. 

"Hi, sorry, you scared the shit out of me." 

"My bad. What's up, what are you doing here?" 

Oh no. Oh no, no, no. 

"Are you the employee? You work here?" 

He nodded, "That's me," shooting me a smile. 

"Shit," I whispered. He looked at me in confusion. "Sorry, I... If you're the guy working here then there's no way Mr. Hemmings will ever give Nathan this job." 

"Why not?" 

"You're so sweet, Mr. Hemmings probably likes you. And Nathan is... not sweet." 

"But you like him," he said, shooting me a pointed look. 

Was that a dig at me because I didn't go out with him? 

I looked at him in confusion. "He's my boyfriend. Of course, I like him." 

He nodded slowly, "Right, sorry. Um, I'm sure Nathan will get the job," he mumbled. "It'll just take a lot of begging." 

"Yeah, he's been trying for 20 minutes," I huffed. 

"Then, don't beg. Mr. Hemmings doesn't like anyone. He only let me take the job because he genuinely needed help around here at the time." 

"Fine, he won't beg," I shrugged, going back over there. Being nice doesn't work with this old man. I got back to the counter where Nathan was trying his hardest not to lose his temper and get frustrated. "Mr. Hemmings, you will give Nathan this job," I huffed, putting my arms on the counter. He glared at me. "That doesn't do anything," I said. 

"Emma," Nathan mumbled. 

"Look, he needs a job and you definitely need more than one person to run this giant place, all right? Give him the job," I demanded. I'm also just hungry and waiting for this to be over so we can go on the dinner date he promised. It's a McDonald's dinner date. I'm hangry now. 

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