28| Cotton candy

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Chapter 28: Cotton candy (Nathan's POV)

"So, you're staying with her? For how long?" Brandon asked. 

"I'm not staying with her," I rolled my eyes. He shot me a pointed look. I sighed in defeat, "Okay, I am. But it's only for a few days and it's just on and off. I need to find an apartment or something, dude. The problem is, I'm not 18 yet," I groaned. 

"Who says you can't get an apartment till you're 18?" 

"I can?" 

"My cousin's apartment is literally just sitting there. He's a wedding photographer for destination weddings so he's never there but he owns it. You can stay there, literally for free. At least for another year. He might ask you to pay after that, but you can also find another apartment after that," he shrugged in explanation. 

I pulled my shirt over my head and turned to him. We just finished gym class and that's the end of the school day. "And you never thought to tell me this?" I looked at him incredulously. 

"You never asked," he replied. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, what's up with Emma?" he smirked knowingly. 

"I asked her to the fair this Friday," I answered. 

"And did she say yes?" 

"No, she rejected me." 


"No," I chuckled, "She said yes." 

He rolled his eyes, pulling his bag over his shoulder. "You should do the cotton candy thing with her." 

"What cotton candy thing?" I frowned in confusion as we left. 

"The cotton candy thing." 

I stared at him weirdly while we met up with Kendall and Emma. "What cotton candy thing?" I asked again. 

"The cotton candy thing," he chuckled. 

"What cotton candy thing?!" Emma and I exclaimed in sync. "What are they talking about?" she asked me. I take it Kendall's been telling her the same thing. 

"I wish I could tell you," I sighed. 

"He's talking about the other cotton candy thing," Kendall said, jabbing her thumb at Brandon. "I'm talking about eating cotton candy together," she shrugged. Emma rolled her eyes. 

"I'm talking about the thing the cotton candy guy makes couples do. You don't know? Have you never taken a girl to this thing?" he asked me. 

"No," I shook my head. It didn't exist last time I had a girlfriend. I caught Emma smiling to herself. 

"If a couple goes to get cotton candy, the guy teaches them how to make it instead, in the shape of a heart. And he asks both people questions about the other person, first one to get a question wrong, makes cotton candy for their partner. How come you don't know about this?" he asked. I shrugged in response. 

"Huh, which one of us do you think will be making the cotton candy?" Emma asked me. 

"You," I nodded. 

"No, I know you better," she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"No, you don't," I scoffed. 


"Bet," I accepted. 

"Tune in on Friday to find out," Kendall chuckled. 

"See you tomorrow," Brandon nodded. 

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