33| Father

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Chapter 33: Father (Emma's POV)

We were all sitting there very awkwardly but we're all trying here. "So, you're her boyfriend, correct?" Dad questioned Nathan. 

"No," I said. 

"I'm confused," my dad said. 

"Why don't we just... I don't know, not talk about it," I shrugged. 

"You like him?" 

"Yes, Dad," I sighed exasperatedly. 

"You like her?" 

"Yes, sir," he nodded. 

"But you're not dating?" 

"No," we said in sync. "Yet," Nathan added. I pulled my lips into a thin line and looked down at my plate, biting back a smile. 


If you couldn't tell already, we've just had this conversation literally 2 seconds ago. Which is why answering the same questions over and over again is annoying. "Dad," I groaned while Nathan facepalmed, stifling a laugh but just letting out a snort instead. "Oh, for the love of God. Forget it, just forget it," I laughed, standing up and clearing my dishes. 

"Your generation makes no sense," my dad huffed, falling back in his seat. 

"Are you done with that?" I asked, picking up his dishes as well. 

"I'll help," Nathan shot out of his seat. 

"No, that's okay," I chuckled, "You can-" 

"Please, let me help," he whispered, letting out a chuckle. 

"You guys can hang out," I smirked, taking his dishes out of his hand and heading to the kitchen. I stood at the sink and did the dishes, trying to listen in on their conversation but I couldn't really hear anything all the way from here. 

"Boo!" he whispered in my ear. I gasped, nearly dropping the plate in the sink, quickly turning around to, I don't know, maybe smash it on his head. "Shut up, I'm here to help. Your mom is here and your parents went out to the backyard," he chuckled. 

"Well, you're late," I smirked, drying off the last dish and then my hands once I washed them. 

"Well, I wasn't actually here to do dishes," he retorted, putting his hands on my waist and kissing me. 

"Really? No?" I smiled against his lips. I heard the backyard door closing and footsteps coming in moments later, so I pulled away. He sighed in frustration, standing beside me. I chuckled, turning to my parents as they stepped in. 

"How come I didn't know about this but your father did?" Mom asked me. 

"What are you talking about?" I laughed, "I told you I liked him." 

"Oh?" Nathan smirked. 

"Shut up," I nudged his ribs with my elbow. "And my father," I rolled my eyes. "Just found out." 

"Right, when they came back from a date," he nodded. 

"It wasn't a date," we said in sync. They looked at us quizzically. I turned to Nathan. "We were just hanging out with... friends?" He seemed confused. Unsure if we could call the 15-year-olds our friends. 

I nodded, "With friends. At the park." They seemed unconvinced but dropped the subject. 

About 20 minutes later, we were all sitting on the floor around the coffee table, playing board games. While I lived in New York, which was only 2 years, we would have a game night every Saturday. Or a movie night, whatever floated our boats during the time. Currently, we're playing scrabble in teams of 2. Me and Nathan against my parents. 

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