15| Booze

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Chapter 15: Booze (Emma's POV)

It's Friday, it's the night of the party, and my dad's flying back. I am unbelievably pissed off at that one. So, what? He just came here for like 1 day? Are you serious? 

"Honey, your dad's leaving, just tell him bye. Come on, don't hold a grudge now. He'll be back soon," my mom said, sitting on my bed while I pulled my earrings on for the night. 

"It would have been better if he just came later, mom. When he could stick around," I whined as she pushed me out of my room and downstairs where he stood by the front door, his bags in hand. I'm now realizing, he's only brought a handbag, no actual suitcase. "I'm very angry with you," I said while hugging him. 

"I know, honey, but hopefully I'll be back in a few weeks," he said while pulling away, "And maybe you two can come visit as well," he said, kissing my forehead and then my mom's. 

"Have a safe flight, dad," I smiled. 

"You're going to a party like that?" he asked, eyeing my dress. 

"Pretty, right?" I grinned. 

"Hmm," he nodded. 

"Give me a second, let me pull my heels on, I'm leaving right now too," I said, rushing upstairs to grab my phone, purse, and heels. I just grabbed everything in my hand and rushed downstairs. There was a cab waiting for my dad. I sat on the front steps of the porch, pulling my heels on. 

"You're driving yourself? What happened to your date?" he asked. 

"What date?" I looked up at him, "I didn't have a date, I'm going with friends," I chuckled. 

"What happened to that mango, strawberry... Nathan! What happened to him? He seemed like a good kid," he nodded, handing his bags to the taxi driver who was nice enough to put them in the trunk for my dad. 

Nathan? A good kid? Dad, you have no idea. 

"He's still there, as good as new, but he's my friend, dad," I said while standing up, "Nothing more." 

"Nothing more is currently pulling up to drive you," he grinned. 

I looked forward in confusion while dusting my butt off and sure enough, Nathan was pulling up. "What the-" 


"Candy," I blurted out. 

My dad looked at me with disapproval, "Candy? Really?" 

I shrugged, watching as Nathan stepped out and walked over to us. "Hey," he smiled at me. He's smiling. Is he drunk? 

"Uh, hi. What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Driving you," he shrugged, "Hi, Mr. Hayden," he stuck his hand out for my dad to shake. I think I'm hallucinating. 

"Uh, honey. I think he's waiting for you," my dad said. I snapped out of it and looked at him in utter confusion. He gave me a look that sort of said 'I'll explain later.' 

"Okay, uh, bye dad," I said, kissing his cheek. My dad got in his cab, I got in Nathan's car, and we left. Us going one way, the cab going the other. "I thought we're meeting there." 

"I can't drink tonight," he said, turning the corner off our street. "I can't have another fight with my dad and I'm not staying at someone else's house," he sighed, shifting gears, glancing at me, "I need to take responsibility of someone so I have a reason to stay sober." 

"Okay and?" 

"Okay and... I'm taking responsibility of you, new girl. Buckle up, please." 

"Do you already have booze in your system or something? Rum maybe?" I asked, pulling the seatbelt on. 

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