27| Darkest hour

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Chapter 27: Darkest hour (Emma's POV)

I was looking for my phone when there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said while throwing the blanket around. 

"Hey," I heard his voice. 

"Hi," I said without turning to look at him. 

"What are you looking for?" he questioned. 

"My phone," I groaned, lifting the blanket, witnessing my phone fall out of it, heading for the floor. He caught it in time. "Thanks," I grinned, taking it from him. 

"No problem," he smiled. 

"Did you need something?" I asked, plugging my phone on charge. 

"I wanted to talk to you." 


"What's up?" I asked, standing in front of him. 

"What's up? Uh, I wanna get to know you," he shrugged. 

I chuckled, "Are you serious?" 

"Yeah, I'm serious," he nodded, taking a step closer to me. 

"Okay," I said, biting back a laugh but taking a step back. He grabbed my shirt and pulled it forward, using it to pull me closer. I looked at him in disbelief. 

"You said we need to know each other better in order to kiss each other. So technically, I'm just trying to kiss you." 

"Rome wasn't built in a day," I retorted. 

"No, but we've gotta start someday, right?" he arched a brow at me. 

I sighed, nodding at him. "Okay, what do you wanna know?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed when he let go of my shirt. That was uh... weirdly... hot. 

"I wanna know... your biggest secret," he said, plopping down beside me. 

"That's just unfair if I don't get to hear yours," I said, shooting him a pointed look. 

"True," he nodded. "You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine." 

"You will? Really?" He nodded again. "Okay, my biggest secret is... Even though I act very happy, and I am. I'm not saying I'm not. I get very... lonely. All the time," I said, not looking at him, but staring at the carpeted floor instead. "And it used to be so bad that I had to take meds. From a therapist." I took a deep breath, turning to him. "Your turn." 

He stared at me for a minute before sighing. "My biggest secret is that... I actually really hate myself and I've done a lot of things wrong. Some of them, I can never make up for. And that really makes me hate myself," he shrugged. 

"Next uh... next question?" I chuckled awkwardly. We're not gonna comment on what the other person just said, that's a given. 


"Nathan, we should go to sleep, it's almost 3," I whispered, rubbing my eyes sleepily. 

"Hmm, it's the darkest hour of the night," he chuckled. 

"And we just had the darkest conversation of the millennium, come on, get to bed," I said. We just spoke about... everything. Our fears, our likes, our dislikes, what we've been through. The only thing he doesn't open about is Chloe. 

I know so much more about him. In this one night. I know his favorite and least favorite food, I know his favorite and least favorite type of music too, I know pretty much all there is to know. I hope. He told me a lot about how things were for him while growing up. 

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