36| History

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Chapter 36: History (Nathan's POV)

The school day had ended and it was nearly 5 right now, so I was about to head to the book store, leaving Emma back at her place. "I'll see you later, okay?" I said while standing up, grabbing my phone and car keys. 

"Where are you going?" she asked, nudging me with her leg. 

"To work," I chuckled. 

"Oh, wow. Look at you, going to work, making big money," she teased, lying on her stomach, watching me pull my shoes on. 

"Oh, wow. Look at you, sitting there looking all pretty in shorts so short that with my shirt, you look naked," I smirked, looking back at here. 

"I could be naked under here, you never know," she shrugged. 

"I hate you," I huffed. She blew me a kiss. I went back to her, pecking her lips before waving her bye. 

I parked and then turned off the car once I made it to the store and climbed out, heading inside. "Right, where do I start?" I asked Mr. Hemmings who sat at the corner table by the giant window of the store. 

"There's a list by the register for you with a trolley of all the new and returned books. This place is a library too, you should know." 

"Okay," I said slowly. 

"Organize those books. The shelves are sorted genre and then by the alphabet of the author's name. Get to work." 

"This is supposed to take me 3 hours?" I asked, looking at the trolley. 

"Yes, I guarantee it will. Where's your girlfriend?" he asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose. 

"She's at home," I turned to him, "Why?" 

"I like her better than you." 

"Thanks," I said sarcastically. I rounded up to the trolley, putting the list on top, and got to moving around. I entered the first aisle. Poetry. I scanned the list, pulling out all the poetry books and keeping them on top of the trolley. "Mr. Hemmings!" I called out. 

"What?" he yelled back. 

"Where's the ladder?" I asked, looking at the top shelf where most of these books would have to be. 

He showed up moments later, dragging the metal ladder with him, still folded to a compact size. "Ha, shorty," he snorted. I gave him a blank look. "Make sure those are alphabetical," he said while I climbed the ladder. 

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." He left after that but Mia stayed behind, looking at me quizzically. "Yes, Mia. We've met before," I chuckled. She then ran off. Working here isn't that hard, luckily. 

The 3 hours flew by and I managed to get my work done today, only needed Mr. Hemmings' help twice when I couldn't find the alphabet I was looking for. "I'm heading out," I said, leaving the checked off list by the register. 

"Ay, ay, ay!" I halted, turning to Mr. Hemmings. 

"First, you did well. So here's an advance on your salary," he said, handing me $100. 

I stared at the money in shock. "How much do I get a week?" 



"Yeah, you work good, you get good. Second, you can't leave till the other boy shows up." 

"What? Why not?" 

"Because I said so, do you want me taking that $100 back?" 

"No, I'm good," I said, slipping the money into my pocket. 

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