37| Ruins

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Chapter 37: Ruins (Emma's POV)

"This a picture of you and Chloe?" I looked up at him in surprise. He nodded silently. "One of many," I stated. We just looked through so many of his pictures, even while packing, and I saw her in so many of them. I even remember asking him one time when I came here who she was. He never told me. 

"Yeah," he sighed, looking right at me. 

"Why didn't you tell me this was her?" I questioned. 

"I didn't even want you knowing she existed. That's the truth." At least he's being honest about it now. Better late than never. 

"What's her last name?" 


"Only if you want to tell me." 

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Wade." 

"Wade? Chloe Wade? From preschool? She's that Chloe?" I stared at him in shock. He nodded softly. "Why has nobody told me that you dated Chloe Wade from preschool?" I laughed, "Where'd she go?" 

"I told you, remember? She left me." 

I picked up on the hints he was dropping, I knew he didn't want to talk about it. But it's about time, all right? I'm trying to keep my patience with him, I really am. But I'm getting frustrated now. "Okay, but where did she go?" I pressed further. He shot me a subtle glare but I simply lifted a brow at him. It takes two to tango, my love. 

"Now isn't the time, Emma." 

"Okay, look." I closed the album and tossed it in the box, sitting in front of him, crossing my legs. "I understand that there are things you aren't ready to talk about yet. For whatever reasons. Maybe you don't trust me that much, maybe it's a bad memory, maybe you're scared to tell me... my point is, you can't run forever. You'll reach the finish line eventually. I don't want to pressurize you into telling me things you're not willing to, but you should know... there's only so much longer I can wait, Nathan. 

Because your past is starting to feel like a secret. And it shouldn't be because I genuinely don't give one fuck about it. I don't care who you were or who she was or what mistakes you've made. I care about the version of you that I've got in front of me." That's about as simply as I can explain this to him and if he doesn't get it, we're gonna have a problem. 

"I'll tell you, I promised you that I would and I still mean that. I will, I swear. I just... I don't know how to do it. I want you to know but I don't know how to tell you but I also don't want you finding out from someone else. I hate to keep you waiting, just trust me. I'll tell you everything." 

I eyed him for a minute before sighing in defeat. "Okay, I believe you. I trust you, Nathan. But if you're not gonna tell me, just say it. I'll stop asking altogether." 

"No, I'll tell you. I promise." 

"Okay," I nodded. 

"Little by little. Starting when we get to your house. Right now." There was a change in him upon hearing what I said. It's like he finally realized that I'm losing patience and he's gonna have to open up to me a little if he wants to be with me. 

"Nathan, don't force yourself to-" 

"I'm not. I genuinely want you to know." 

Within 5 minutes, we cleaned up and left. He drove us back because he needed the car at mine for tomorrow anyway. My dad was taking a nap, he had been since I left and my mom was still at work. We quietly went up to my room and I shut the door behind me upon entering. We sat on my bed beside each other in pin-drop silence. Then he started telling me the story. 

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