Chapter 5 - Sebastian.

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First date. Today is my first date with Mackenzie Wilson, the girl of my dreams. A voice at the back of my head told me that this is the first official fake date, but according to what we decided yesterday we had been dating for about a month now. So, today not only will we be seen together publicly for the first time, but I also would have to ask her to be my girlfriend. And according to Liv, it is not official unless we announce it in social media. How fun!

I hate first dates though. They always make me feel the same. Nervous, jittery, and produces a general awkward aura around me. But this date is important. Because this is also the first time, my first chance to make Mackenzie fall in love with me. And I cannot screw this up. Therefore, I am now stuck with how to dress. As we would be going to the date right after school. So, I need to look my best. Liv passed my room and just laughed at my dilemma. I sighed. Then she popped in and helped me out. She always knows when I need her. She is the best sister in the world, and I would fight with anyone who doesn't agree with me on this.

As we are finally on our way to school, I can't help but remember my first date with Michele about two years ago. It was so bad. I was awkward the whole time, my palms were sweating. I talked nonsense and then the date ended with neither of us ever talking again. Most of my first dates ended up the same except my date with Zara. She liked that I was nervous. She found it adorable and decided to give me few chances, it didn't end into anything. But I had fun. She was the only one who gave me confidence and by the end of second date I was behaving like myself. Gone were the nervousness and awkwardness finally. But the worst one among all the dates I have ever been on have to be the double date I went to with David and his 'girlfriend' at the time. It was just awful. Why? Simple the whole time David kept on hitting and flirting with the girl I was supposed to be on date with. And his 'girlfriend' and I chatted. We got to know each other well but she was his 'girlfriend' so nothing would happen. And my supposed date wasn't even remotely interested in me.

You can guess by now how much of bad track record I have on first dates. And I do blame David for it. He was the first one to force me into that ordeal. And then that ruined. I am sure that is where my streak of bad first dates started. Why am I still friends with him again? I have no idea. I guess because he is a good friend even though he can be a douche. He is loyal and doesn't judge me. He teases me about stuff mainly about dating. But that is about it. Then I suddenly remembered something what do you even talk in first dates? I mean you could get to know each other but I already know Mackenzie. This is one thing I know I cannot ask Liv. But I cannot ask David either because his advice would surely get me kicked in the balls. Therefore, there is only one other person I am close enough to ask. Sophia, Liv's best friend.

I parked the car and instead of waiting for Mackenzie to enter the school like I usually do I walked towards my locker. Today I need to talk to Sophia and the only time I can is before school starts. After I finished with the books, I need from my locker I rushed towards my sister's locker where I know Sophia would be. As I reached there Liv's other friends eyed me. Liv herself just raised her eyebrow at me.

"Yes?" Liv asked. I just turned to Sophia, the girl in question kept on looking at me like I have suddenly grown two more heads. Argh! I never usually talk to her in school. Shit! Now this will be weird. Why did I forget that part?

"Umm...Sophia can I talk to you for a moment?" She looked at Liv who slightly nodded her head then turned to me and gestured to walk away from there.

"So, what do you want to talk about Sebastian?" She cut straight to the point as soon as we are far away from her friends.

"Not here. Let's go to the library." I led her there.

The library is quiet and empty. I am so glad. As we settled by the farthest table Sophia just gave me a look to start. I cleared my voice a little even though I know I would be whispering.

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